Madame Edouard Andre

Appleton, WI

Anyone grow MEA? Does it really bloom all summer?

(Zone 4a)

Are you looking for one that blooms all summer? I don't have that one myself however when my aunt bought me the Rosemoor I did some research. Apparently the rosemoor blooms on old and new wood and will bloom from June till Fall. I have only read positive things about this new clematis I have so I am very excited about it. Sorry I didn't mean to change the subject.....from MEA to Rosemoor but Rosemoor might be one to look into if you are looking for a long blooming clematis!

Delaware, OH

i grew this clem 8 years ago when i started out and, unfortunately lost it within the first few years, probably due to my inexperience.
this year i put another one in the ground, asmaller plant so i am looking after it and looking forward to next year. the leaves are unusual and strong, it looks a bit different and i believe that it will be a good bloomer but possiblly take a while to establish. wish i had started with a bigger plant this year, but it does seem to be doing well.

dawn, same with rosemoor, i have a teeeny a long way from being able to evaluate the clem.

every year i seem to say "wait till next year, that will be the big year" and once again that is my mantra as i have put in many clems this year with large orders from ssv as well as some other suppliers such as donahues and a local nursery made a special order from bluebird for me as well. and a few other smaller orders such as heronswood and koi (my first from both places).

Appleton, WI

Rosemoor is on my want list and if I see it locally, it buying it, but...

I am looking for a few shorter, reliable, long blooming clematis in pink or light purple/lavender for a specific spot and need brighter blooms.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I've had Clematis "Madame Edouard Andre" for 3 years now and she is stunning and what a bloomer..A pruning group 3 of course...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Appleton, WI

Beautiful Jeanne. I like it even more now.

Too bad Brushwood is out of stock.

(Zone 4a)

Julia I hope you do find Rosemoor locally this year. It will be both our first year's with it and then we can compare notes LOL!!!!

Oh wow Jeanne - that one certainly is lovely! The colour is stunning!!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks yall...Jeanne

Appleton, WI

Dawn, I'm taking a day this weekend to hunt clematis. I can't wait :)

(Zone 4a)

Oh yay!!! How fun! Be sure to fill us in on what you get.

Appleton, WI

I know, I can't wait. I'm hoping to find at least 2. I've said it before, but most nurseries around here have no clue. Still, I love the hunt :-)

Delaware, OH

my MEA is a good looking plant, more vigorous than some the same age. i noticed the leaves have a thickness and look that is a bit different than some. i think it is going to establish more quickly than some clems based on how it looks now.

Appleton, WI

Does anyone grow Silmakivi?

(Zone 4a)

I don't - but I wish I did.....I fell in love with that one the first time I saw it online!!!! I never found one around here so I never got one :(

Appleton, WI

Friday evening I went looking for clematis. I didn't have much time so I mainly went to the big box stores any anything else open after dinner.

Most places had the usual limited selection of those I already had and some I didn't want. Lowes was a complete disappointment, Home Depot had nearly everything labeled as Ville de Lyon even those that weren't. However, I did find Sunset, Blue Angel and Pink Champagne. All were in root filled gallon pots. Only Blue Angel had blooms. I also bought a few shade plants, which I needed more than clematis. There are still 20 places on my list to check out, but I'm not buying anymore until everything is planted.

Delaware, OH

that is amazing that home depot had a blue angel. it is a great clem. i love love love it. i put a second one, well rooted in a gallon pot that a friend with a nursery special ordered for me, in this year in another garden. it brings a lot to the garden after a year or two.
i 'm like you i plant immediately or within a day or so wether they are mail order or i purchase locally. it is a obsession with me. so i try and have pre dug holes all the time so there is always one ready in case i bring home a clem or two.

i bought 15, 5$ barbery bushes yesterday at a local nursery and got them planted yesterday. hope there is enough sunwhere i put them to keep the nice reddish color.

Appleton, WI

I didn't mean to be confusing. Home Depot didn't have Blue Angel. A regional big box store, called Menard's had it. I always find something worth buying at Menards. Last year they had Duchess of Albany and Huldine.

I'm glad to hear you like Blue Angel that much. I've wanted something to grow with Etoille Violette on the arbor and it seems like it would be companion.

I love the red barberry's for the garden. Now bug problems and they do so much to break up all the green keeping the garden from looking flat. A bonus for me is that they are very hardy and still look great after being buried in heavy snow for months. It's a very popular shrub in our area. Some think it's over-planted, but I disagree.

Delaware, OH

sounds like a good selection in your area. are they gallons?

barberrry is widely used here too, but i have never used it, these are my first. prickly little devils.
etoile v will be great with blue angel. a good combo. i may do that one too. etoile v from last year. this year it is huge.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

Yes, they are gallon pots. The only support the vine had was a 6 inch stick. Because the vine had already grow well past the stick, the plants were clearance for $10.

This is the third year that EV will be in the ground. Not exactly the third year, because it was planted it the ground in late fall. Last year it bloomed nicely, so I'm expecting this to be a good year for it. Ya gotta love viticellas.

Here is an interesting article on Pink Champagne 'Kakio'.


(Zone 4a)

Julia I too just bought a Blue Angel and planted it last weekend. I think it it will be stunning with EV!!

Appleton, WI

It's too bad that we have to wait so long. I want to see it now. :-)

(Zone 4a)

I want to see your combo NOW too! LOL!!

New Richmond, OH

I also love the idea of etoile v with blue angel! Do you all think an arbor with four foot wide sides with an etoile v & blue angel together on each side would work (4 in all)? Full sun with beautiful white arbor waiting to be planted!

Delaware, OH

both etoile violet and blue angel do well in full sun. and both are vigorous after a few years.

Appleton, WI

Yes, 2 on each side..... perfection.

Delaware, OH

i will be figureng out how to do that combo. i just put a second blue angel in and there is an empty side to the obelisk it is on, so guess i better get another etoile violette! yes i am a copy cat.

Appleton, WI

I can't wait to see everyone's photos of EV/BA.

New Richmond, OH

Thanks CG & JJ. I also have a 7ft beautiful, black wrought iron fan trellis and need to decide if I am going to plant the EV/BA combo on each side of the arbor or one each (front/back) on the trellis. I am thinking the combo may eventually get too large for the trellis???

Delaware, OH

when things outgrow a resonable support i usually add something taller behind it they can leap to. for instance an arbor vitae evergreen behind the clem and next to the arch can later be a tall green climbing column after they out grow the suppor....
some times the growth rate of the clem gives plenty of time to ponder this riddle as the clem can take a few years to come on strong. even then can be pruned to keep it in check and right size it.

New Richmond, OH

Good ideas, thanks!

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