Orchid Glads (Acidanthera)

Brattleboro, VT(Zone 5a)

I recently purchased a little package of 8 orchid glad bulbs being sold by elementary school children in a fund-raising project. After I received them I looked them up on line, since I was not familiar with them. Oops, the package made no mention of zone. I learned that they cannot spend the winter outdoors in my zone. I am not the sort who goes for digging things up to bring them indoors for the winter. Will it work to plant them in a pot (how big?) and bring that inside for the winter? And what kind of winter storage would it need? My basement ranges from damp to seriously wet and the mudroom has radiant heat in the floor. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have never tried that... I always dig them up... I am curious if anyone does... sorry I am not much help to you


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you cold ask in the glad forum... if you don't get an answer here


Are they an Orchid, a Gladiolus or an Anemone? If you google orchid glad bulb, you get all 3.

Orchids are tropical - right?
Glads have to be pulled up

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