Don't Pet The Sting Rays

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, gang. Be forwarned as I wish someone would have warned be. We went to the aquarium on Saturday and I was so excited that I got to pet a sting ray and a shark. Well evidently I had an open wound, a little scratch, on the hand that I was petting the fish with and I ended up getting some kind of marine macro organism into the wound and now am on bed rest and antibiotics for a month. My doctor said that it was good that I came in today as this kind of infection can turn into a flesh eatting type of infection. My face started swelling and itching last night and my eyes are all red and the inside of my nose and my lips and face feel like they are on fire and are all red and swollen too. My lungs felt like they were burning last night. I was up all night long. So...... be careful, be very careful petting any sea creatures if you have an open wound. I am Misserable to say the least.

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