Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

After all the snow for months and now rain I finally get outside but there is grass coming up in everything that never did before. I am sure the seed came from us and neighbors with all the wind and seeded with all the moisture,. Is there something safe for Iris,DL,Peonies,Clematis, Bleeding Heart that will get rid of it. HELP

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I fight grass all the time,so far all I can do is carefully pull it from the middle of plants.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Supposedly Over The Top does. I've never used it and would love to hear from someone that has,

I fight it constanly too. We live in the country, and I have to keep the irises wet, giving the grass a good home.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I checked on the above link and will see if I can get locally. Was thinkin awhile back I saw where someone usded some sort of granules but can't remember now. SHould have bookmarked it.
Thanks all.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I'll have to look for it here too.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I couldn't find it locally, and had to order it online. I haven't used it yet though.

Has anyone used this product? Results?

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Keep us posted.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I will and hope everyone else that tries it will too. I'll try it in an area where I don't care so much if the plants die, but certainly not on my prized Shimizu pseudatas!

Shepherd, MT

Hey rebloomnut, got the same problem down SE of ya, Did you get the blizzard last week, I could not believe that . They are checking to see if they can get it through the local Co-ops.

I been using Roundup in one garden area, with stubborn thistles ,then I weed around the iris with a dandy lion digger. I have tried Preen, it works on alot of the weed seed but not thistle.

my dwarf iris are just now starting to bloom

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Preen doesn't work on my grass either. I use the dandilion digger around my irises too.

Winnsboro, TX

Well I got most of the weeds and grass pulled out of my irises before they bloomed and really enjoyed the clean beds. Our iris bloom time is now over and the grass and weeds have taken over again. Now I'm working on the daylily beds to get them all cleaned out. My seedling beds are nothing but weeds. I'm going to share a couple of photos with you so you can enjoy the fact that you are not alone.

Happy Gardening,

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

It's amazing to know a lot of us have the same problem. Just not enough hours in the day!

Winnsboro, TX

One more after I've pulled the weeds and grass out. Oh my goodness you can actually see the daylily seedlings. LOL
Poor things, how can they grow if I can't keep up with pulling the darn weeds? My problem is I pull one weed and about 10 grow back in it's place. (smile)
Happy Gardening, Marian

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

I'm going to tell you like it is. I just bite off more than I can do all the time. I keep coming up with all these neat ideals of where to put flowerbeds to make everything look so pretty when it's blooming. LOL Yeah right, it would be breathtaking if I could keep up with all of it. There is no way that will ever happen and yet I continue to add more plants and enlarge every bed I have. As you all already know it's a terrible diease and I'm afraid there is no cure for it. I already know I'll go to my grave with many a flowerbed still needing to be weeded.

This one I've pulled all the weeds and grass out of but as you can see it's already growing back again. These beds are roughly 300 ft long and I have 10 rows of seedlings this long. This is just one area of my daylilies......yelp I'm crazy!Oh and did I mention I'm the only one that pulls the weeds. DH would help me by mowing them all down with the tractor and shredder.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


haven't you heard that weeds are like grey hair, pull one and 10 come to replace it....rofl.

My beds have the same problem


Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I think everyone has the same problem. I'm the only one who weeds here too. Ocassionaly I can get DH to help if I get really far behind.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Mainecoon we didn't get that last storm thank goodness. It has been a long winter huh.
I can't get the over the top locally either so will mail order it. I think I was thinking of the Preen granules. I hate sprays since I about killed myself with the Roundup a cple years ago.

I think I need to find a garden chair I can sit on a move around as can't get on my knees to weed like I did for years and can't stand and bend for any length of time. Want one with legs that won't sink in the ground as that would make too good of a picture for the H to use against me. LOL


PS. LovelyIris it looks like you have lots of DL coming. I bet it is beautiful when they all bloom.

This message was edited May 21, 2009 5:51 PM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

What happened with the Roundup? I always worry about using the spray.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Polly my sprayer got plugged and started spraying out sideways and soaked my pantleg burning my calf and when i went to open the sprayer I forgot to let the pressure off and had my face close and it burnt my face and down my throat but luckily not my lungs. I could hardly swallow for a week with the blistering and the area on my leg would turn red and blister and my throat would break out everytime I took any antibiotics or differnt meds for about 2 yrs. The Pharmacist here looked it up and said that the only lasting thing could be the chemicals matastizing (sp?) in the liver. So far I have had no problem. Just be careful

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh, wow. I've gotten it on my pantleg before, and had a very slight burn, as I washed it off quickly. I will be very careful. That's scary.

I always use the water sprayer at the end of a hose, so that probably is much safer.

I hope you never get any further affects from it.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Oh my goodness, I too pray you will see no more effects from that disaster. And here I was about ready to go use some had it not been for my guy that does the front lawn everyother week. Had one thorn area and he weed wacked them down today, but I want the darn things gone....


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I don't want to discourage all of you. It was my fault for getting it in my face. The sprayers fault for the leg. Just be careful and make sure the product has no little bits in it as that is what plugged it in the first place, and I was careless in the 2nd.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

rebloomnut we are all just glad that you have survived that ordeal and hopefully nothing lingering for the future. Yes chemicals do deserve full attention and cautions when using them.


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