Does Perrins Pride fade?

Aurora, IL

I am a relative newcomer to clematis. I purchased a Perrins Pride and have a spot selected for planting. But I'm rethinking The Plan. I have 2 roses on the west side of the garage. It's light stucco, gets dappled morning sun and intense afternoon sun. I think a purple clem between the 2 roses would be attractive. So I'm wondering how the Perrins Pride would do with the intense afternoon sun? Would the blossoms fade?

OR would you suggest another....? Polish Spirit is one I looked at, too.

Delaware, OH

keely bird, perrins does better in good sun and it is not a clem that fades. the color is a matte purple, i would say a damson plum color, very pretty clem.
polish spirit is much more vigorous, in fact too vigorous for some, but i like working with it where i want fast coverage, even if later i have to prune and trim back in summer to keep it in bounds. it is fool proof too. perrins took me a while to establish, but i find it extremely beautiful. so i'd say you need both, just figure out where to is perrins from last year. this year it is growing nicely but to early for it to bloom. i grow it next to clematis albaflora, it is one of my favorites.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Aurora, IL

Guru: Thank you for the info and the lovely photo. Since I have the Perrins Pride, I'll place it in the sunny spot.

Now I must figure out where I can squeeze in a Polish Spirit!

Delaware, OH

polish spirit can go anywhere and take any thing. partial shade full sun. it is almost like a terniflora (sweet autumn) in vigor, well, not quite, but very vigorous. it loves to grow up trees, or thru evergreen trees, you can do a to of landscape accent with it. i have it on a hawthorne tree with sweet autumn, quite nice. this year i also have some coming up thru the elegant branches of a large hemlock.
very adaptable and useful in landscape. and it i gets to big(won't in first year) then you just keep nipping it back!

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