
Tamworth, Australia

Disappointed that my camelia refuses to set buds. i bought it just over 12 months ago - it's supposed to flower during the winter months, so should have buds by now. There were no flowers/buds last year either. It only receives morning sun, has enriched soil with mulch, so that the roots don't get too hot.

Has anyone any ideas?

Christchurch, New Zealand

it hasn't been pruned at all?
If cut back at the wrong time it won't flower.
I kept trimming one of mine & didn't get anything until my neighbours said to leave it, they didn't mind it over shadowing their kitchen.
Now it is covered in white flowers.

Barmera, Australia

You might be panicking a bit early. Mine don't flower until well into Winter and have only just started to put out new shoots that hopefully will have the flowers on the end of them.

This message was edited May 20, 2009 4:48 AM

It is only a baby yet and most camelias flower towards the end of Winter ...except sasanqua.
Give it some cow poo and stop looking at it ^_^
good luck chrissy

Tamworth, Australia

Hi dalfyre, Stake & chrissy100,
I really appreciate your replies. i pruned it a little bit last year in the Spring, I think (so that may be the problem), but hoping that i'm panicking too early - it's supposed to be the winter-flowering type of camelia. i'll dose it with some ancient chicken poo.

Sydney, Australia

Hi Jennifi
Sasanqua or Japonica? If pruned in spring you probably
removed the flowering wood. All mine are budding at the moment.
Even my potted ones (the poor neglected things).
There is no other reason I can see for no buds.
They are so hardy and never fail.
Give it time as there is plenty of time left.

Really I wouldn't use chicken manure it may be too high in PH ...truly they love aged cow poo as it is a great soil conditioner with a mild acidic reaction which is what camelias love.
Good luck with it.

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