Adenium obesum bonsai experience helpful.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I posted this in the Cacti/Succulent Forum, the Bonsai Forum, and was directed to this forum for possible sources of help.

I want to try a succulent bonsai with Adenium obesum Desert Rose I started from seed last summer. The plants are about 2"-3" tall. Has anyone had any experience trying this, or have any suggestions they want to share? If there is a thread in this forum about succulent bonsai, just point the way!

I've done some research online and found very little information. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden has a webpage, but that's about it. Any info or web links will be greatly appreciated!

I got a book from the library that has a chapter devoted to succulent bonsai ("Crazy About Cacti & Succulents"), and also did an Inter-Library Loan request for the "Pachyforms II: Bonsai Succulents" since a copy isn't in my library's catalog. I think the Missouri Botanical Garden has a cacti/succulent show in August...but that's months away and I don't know of any other succulent shows in the St. Louis area.

So this is a BIG shout for HELP: links, info, suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I'm the type of person who does research to death before I begin anything I know nothing about; live plants appreciated my effort: knowledge = less stress for them! A year ago I discovered Adenium obesum and read everything I could find before I purchased 2 maturing plants. Then I purchased seeds and currently have 32 seedlings. The seedlings and I are now ready to explore the new frontier of Bonsai!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I have seen your message on the C&S forum and directed you to the Bonsai forum. I have a few books around here that may have some tips, but in the meanwhile, this is what I Googled: bonsai adenium obesum directions

and there were several sites for you to visit. I also Googled: bonsai adenium directions and something popped up for adenium arabicum, which may be of interest.

See if any of this is helpful to you and I'll take a look to see if there is anything else I might have around here.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the info. Using your search words I did find a few facts I haven't come across yet. I had no idea the sap is poisonous!

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I looked through all my books, and all I can tell you is one indicated that careful pruning is the way to create a successful bonsai adenium. I know that there are videos on YouTube for how to perform (branch) pruning, and maybe even root pruning.

I was kind of hoping someone on DG had created a bonsai adenium, because I would eventually like to do this as well. I should think that you would want the plant to have a decent size before attempting this since root pruning will be involved. Right now, Buried Treasures is having some security issues, but once they are back on-line, they may be a good source of information. Chris seems to be so nice, and very helpful - in fact, he's the one who made the pruning video on YouTube. I don't know if Highland Succulents has any info, but they might answer an email.

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