Shrub suggestions

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi all, I am looking for some flowering shrub suggestions. The spot I need to fill gets full, hot afternoon sun. If you look at the picture of my house, it's the spot on the right-hand corner where I currently have a shepherd's hook with a hanging basket. There is still an old yew stump there that we either have to dig up or work around. I had originally thought bridal wreath or some kind of lilac, but now I'm not sure. The bridal wreathes can get so humongous and I don't want something that will block the window. Last year I planted an oak-leaf hydrangea on the opposite side (it gets less sun, as the house faces west and there is a huge old maple in our neighbor's yard that shades the north side of our yard somewhat). It's still pretty shrimpy so you probably can't see it in the photo. I do love those burning bushes (euonymus) , but would really like something that flowers in spring. Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Thumbnail by jcoakley
Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

One option might be Magic Carpet Spirea. It has multi-season interest with its lovely foliage in the spring and pink flowers later in the season.

Also doesn't get real large, so it won't block the view from your window.

Mine gets both morning and afternoon sun and is very happy.

If you're in the area check out Fasel's (Oak Lawn) or Sid's (Palos Hills). They have great selections of shrubs.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

The dwarf shrub Viburnum carlesii 'Compactum' might just fill the bill.

Fragrant in spring, glossy emergent new foliage that should be clean for you all summer, and reds/purples in fall color - nice plant that shouldn't outgrow the spot.

If you want the exact same characteristics in a faster larger grower, take a gander at Viburnum x juddii.

Both of these plants should be fully hardy for you in Chicago.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you both for the ideas; keep 'em coming! figaro . . . I was just at Fasel's today . . . love that place! No matter how much money I throw at them they keep on taking it. LOL. My MIL has raved about Sid's but I haven't made it out there yet. From what hear it's dangerous . . . .

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Sid's has a great selection (indeed dangerous!) -- some things you won't find at Fasel's (simply because Sid's is larger). However, I really do love Fasel's too. I bought all my shrubs at Fasel's back in 2003 (including my spirea) and have had complete success with all of them. We're lucky to have so many great nurseries relatively close. Sometimes I do well at Saunoris on 111th in Chicago Ridge -- but many times I've left there empty-handed!

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Jcoakley -- All week long I've been admiring the Miss Kim lilac bushes at the Oak Lawn Metra station. They're in bloom now. Perhaps this would fit your bill. The flowers seem to come out of nowhere and then before you know it, the entire bush is covered with fragrant lilac flowers. I'd like to add one or two to my garden. If you're in the vicinity of the O.L. train station, check them out. Here's a link to the Plant Files listing:

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

So funny you should say that, figaro! I had a Miss Kim lilac in mind all last year for the spot in question. I only changed my mind when I realized that the prevailing color scheme in my front yard seems to be white/red/yellow. I should have mentioned that when I started this thread. There are white lilacs too though, aren't there? Can lilacs be pruned to keep them relatively short? I have seen such huge ones in my neighborhood.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Miss Kim is easily trimmed/shaped. If I was willing to give up some of sun spaces for the conifers, I would have one!

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