When can I pull up my daffodil bulbs? Or hyacinth bulbs?

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

They are in the way for my garden plans and need to be relocated. I am guessing I have about 1000 daff bulbs and about 400 hyacinth bulbs and I am not really excited about it but it needs to be done as soon as I can.

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't know a lot about them, but I do know that after they are done blooming, the leaves make the food for the bulb for next year. You are supposed to cut them back after the leaves die down. I have had some luck moving them, after they have bloomed, to another location with the leaves left intact.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge will give you more information. 1000 bulbs? Wow. Are they all the same kind? That must be an impressive bunch! I just got hyacinth bulbs this year but I would think that they would be the same as the daffodils. Good luck!

Mary Ellen

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

You are supposed to wait till the leaves die down, but I have moved mine from one place to annother while they were blooming and growing. As long as they are not going to be stored, they should be fine.

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