Id's need for these 2 beauties

Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

This one is a MTB I believe

Thumbnail by cbrandenburg
Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

same as above.

Thumbnail by cbrandenburg
Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

This is one of the small varieties, anyone know my name.

Thumbnail by cbrandenburg
Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

found one more that needs an id.

Thumbnail by cbrandenburg
Olivette, MO(Zone 6a)

The royal purple looks like my "Swingtown" but I am new at this there are probably a lot of others that look similiar.


Thumbnail by susanelliott
Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

The blue SDB could be Forever Blue or Bedford Lilac but I lean toward FB.


Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

Susan, I don't think it's swingtown because it's a tiny flower, not at tall bearded, but it looks like your picture, I believe this one is a MTB.

Roni, I believe your right, it looks like Forever Blue, thanks for the ID.


Raleigh, NC

cathy, based on that bloom form and your location, think you might mean an IB =intermediate bearded. this is one MTB. see the difference in flower form?

IBs can be very like Tall Bearded nowadays, just smaller, shorter and earlier.

Thumbnail by bonjon
Freedom, PA(Zone 6a)

All these Iris froms confuse me, all I really do know is that I love them all, they are so cute. I just read that Forever Blue is a rebloomer, if this one reblooms that will really let me know if it's Forever Blue. It didn't say what zones it reblooms in, I hope it's mine. For the past 2 years I have had beautiful Iris blooming in mid September with my rebloomers.


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