Freeze warnings for upstate NY I have questions

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

We have a freeze warning in effect tonight if I cover and protect my budding hyrangea will they be okay? What about lilies and Iris?

I am not sure what I have that is vunerable and should be covered. Should I just cover everything and play it safe?

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Sherry. I'm just up the river from you in Glens Falls. We've had frost warnings several nights this past week up here, but it has not gotten down as low as they forecast. Tonight for us it was originally 29 dgrees, but now it's 34 degrees. We live right on the canal by the river and I think it keeps our temps warmer. When the trees are starting to leaf out, trees in the city are a week or two ahead of our trees cause the river keeps us a bit cooler, but then it starts to keep us warmer. We also have a lot of trees and even in the fall while there are still leaves on the trees we don't get a frost until the temps go down into the middle 20's. I think i will cover my annual containers that i have planted already just to be safe. I have a flat of impatiens that are not planted and i will bring them inside. I wasn't going to cover any perennials but i have a hydrangea that just blooms on old wood and now i'm thinking i should cover that. Hopefully others will post their suggestions (I've only been gardening a couple of years and there is still sooooooo much to learn)!! Eleanor

Hello BookReader

I would cover any veggies and put containers in the garage, shed or even lug them in the house and if had to cover them with sheets. Dont use plastic on veggie plants! Same as Eleanor says: They project a frost and sometimes it dont happen. Its better to be safe then Sorry!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I am hoping we don't get that cold. I live where the Hudson and Mohawk rivers cross and I do keep a little warmer so I will bring the pots in and cover the hydrangea.

I just got a delivery of 10 roses all with buds so those are going on the enclosed porch.

Just when you think spring is really here!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I played it safe and brought things in. My hydrangeas are lovely in their pokemon sheets and the mini roses are wearing leopard.
If nothing else my plants are the height of 1990's children sheet trends.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

They work anyway. Nice to have all that color to scare off the cold!

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Only made it down to the low 40's! I still covered all of my annual containers and will do so again tonight. Then it looks like we are out of the woods for a while and I hope no more frost warnings!! Eleanor

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I just uncovered but have to do it all again tonight. Then like you said we are out of the woods for a while. (we hope)

We had in the 20's last evening and they are predicting the same for us in the "snow belt" "just south of Route 90".......we get over 200 inches of snow per year and we all know not to plant annuals here until at least Memorial weekend! However, some of us will never learn and have to decorate our yards with all types of cardboard boxes, sheets, towels etc. Just remember to remove them in the morning so the little ones can get some sun......I never knew not to use plastic until I tried to cover annuals with all of my Walmart bags.....they all bit the dust......and today, I just removed my green tarp from my annuals and the coleus are looking either a bit smooshed or, because they were touching the plastic, did they get bit? I'll water them and check later today what could be their problem........luckily we'll be in Florida at our condo this weekend so we can thaw out!

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