Bag Worms

Richmond, TX

Recently bag worms have been decimating several of my trees: cedars and sweet gums are the hardest hit. Will systemic insecticides work on bag worms. Suggestions anyone?

Almere, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Good luck!

Richmond, TX

Thanks, Centaurea, those articles give me hope!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

go to ace and buy some Ferti-lome bagworm spray. the name is longer but you'll find it. it contains an organic called Spinosad that will take care of them.

Richmond, TX

I've heard of Spinosad; didn't know whether it was good for bagworms or not. Thanks trackinsand.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

you're welcome. i was reading labels one day and came across this stuff. didn't realize it had spinosad as the main ingredient until then. it's worked well for me on leaf-eating things and on leaf miner as well.

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