Oriental poppies for trade

Turner, OR(Zone 8b)

I have a bunch of oreintal poppies in mixed colors of pink and purple! Anyone wanna trade! I am open to any pretty flowers!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I would love some pastel poppies! I have been trying to start seeds this winter, I have a couple of tiny hairs that I hope are poppies. I am a new gardener, but have a few things on my trade list and some other commercial seeds left from my winter seed starting efforts. I have star of yelta morning glories, dark purple, that look nice as a backdrop for other flowers. I have them growing on trellis at the back of my garden.

Lori Lynn

Turner, OR(Zone 8b)

Well your in luck! I have more pastel pink and purple oriental poppies than I could ever use! I have learned that the less care you give the little buggers the better off you are! I will send you enough to spread everywhere and spare so that way you will be in poppy heaven. Just a heads up though, if you just sprinkle them around on top of the ground when you get them they will grow great as they need sun to germinate! Please send me your addy and I will get them on the way!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I would love some. I can't get them to stay alive after germination. Something must be eating them! I have some fresh, just harvested Red Lion Amaryllis seeds.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Lisa, are you looking for anything in particular? Are these poppies the ones with the big seed pods? I have them in red and would love different colors.

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