WINDZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I can't stand it anymore.
If it were the winter, it would be a blizzard.
I can't even breath outside the winds are so fierce.

What is up with the winds this year? Why is it so darn windy?
Gusts are over 35 miles per hour. You will fall down in the wind.

This is a grrrr day for me. It is bright, sunny, clean, day after the
rain, the ground is washed, everything is beautiful, but I cannot go
outside to work. My pine mulch blows off the shovel.

Lou cannot hang clothes, they rip and fly off the clothesline.

There has been just too many windy days like this. Is Michigan always
a windy place like this? Cheese O'Pete!!!!!!

Just wind. : )

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Sheri its michigan and spring ;0) the wind drys up all the puddles in the yard its much better than SNOW and wind I love spring ;0)

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

I agree...I also do not like was really bad all would would have blown its self out..for sure..

lol..smiles..Diana...want it warmer too...not hot but

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

the wind has slowed down here I got 3 of my beds weeded so that was good now for the other 6

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Not that windy here. I got a whole lot done today!

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


Welcome to Michigan....Ya never know what the weather is gonna be like............


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

no wind here this morning but its foggy the fog is just laying on the water looks like its going to be a warm day so you all go out and enjoy it for me I have to work ;0(

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

im on flat open farm land we have winds everyday
Most of the time there at least 20mph-it suckz!

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Did you try turning sideways? :)

It was a very windy day to say the least! I guess my w/ my size I dont ever think about the wind physically moving me. But it sure tried!

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

I guess I spent the day too close to the ground to feel the wind, then. (Pulling/cutting greenbrier)

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Arent you surrounded by trees PJ??

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes. Hadn't thought of that. LOL!

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

details..... :)

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you for your commiserations.
Dori, you are funny too, yes, my farm is wide open to the winds. I would like to call
Michigan and try to get a wind farm started here.

When I was weeding my garlic beds, I would just hold up my fingers and the wind would
wisk the weed out of my fingers and transport it to our neighbors house. LOLOLOL


Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Well, looks like I am never moving to Hastings! The neighbors there are so wreckless!

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Here comes the weeds!!! Woosh!!!!

Here comes the garbage!! Woosh!!!
etc etc

Here are some things over the years that have blown away.
I have retrieved some, and others, totally gone.

dog toys,
hula hoops
plastic pots
dandelion seeds
corn cobs
grass clippings
more weeds
how about a kiddy pool or two, them have blown away many times
a few hats
soda bottles
plastic shopping bags, those are very pretty caught up in a tree
pop up yard waste container
manure bucket
underwear, t shirts, towels, sheets
Tarps!!! silver, blue and green
booda balls for the horses, whose horses anyway? not mine !
chicken food
horse food
picnic glasses
tablewear and table cloth
two patio umbrellas
chicken plucking feathers, from 50 chickens

you get the picture...from our yard,,,,to yours, curtosy of the Michigan winds

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

I to have a lovely wind issue here! I call our back yard "tornado alley" All the trees were cut down to build new homes so we have absolutely no wind brake because there are no trees to help with that....unless I plant some which has been an open discussion for a few years now. I have a beautiful swing "once was" that is about 200 lbs that has blown off my patio to my neighbors house 3 times now...we also have an 12 foot umbrella for our patio that we can barely use because the wind takes it and swings it to and fro...makes a wonderful bee's nest/retreat though ^_^ ! Good ole Michigan weather...

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I think I carry the windz with me. I swear I do.
This weekend at the flea market, a lovely lady next to me was selling the
most beautiful plants, and she had set up a patio umbrella on a heavy
stand. Little to say, the wind suddenly, out of the blue, started up, whooshing
and wooshing, and next thing you know, that umbrella was sideways and
inside out. She said that had never happened before. LOL.

Welcome to Michigan!
PS Saturday morning I was Freezing. I had on slacks, winter wool socks,
sweater and sweatshirt and hood up, and still cold.

I am working on a beautiful wind brake here for the farm. Finally, FINALLY,
got my Green Giant Thujas grown up to 3 gallon size and tp them this spring.
We have planted around 40 of them in a long snakey line curving around the
house acres, and curling around in a half circle against the West, NWest winds.
PS I get it all done, and where does the wind come from ? The East and
South. I can't win.

Got em all mulched in almost and lots of chicken manure and straw over a line
of them too. My DH brings home a truckload of mulch M,W, and F on his way
home from Battle Creek, and we mulch in about 5 trees with each truck load.

Detheo why can't you plant a windbrake? What are you looking for in a windbrake?
Looks, or quick cover? I wanted neatness so chose the Arborvitae Green Giants,
down below the ridge, I have put in native Viburnam trilobums (highbush cranberry)
I have a few Liriodendrons planted and some Norway Spruces to liven up the
conga line of windbrakers. I keep it well watered, and hopefully, this year, they
will put some good roots out and some nice lush top growth.

Thumbnail by WigglyPaw
Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

Yeah I have the Arbs in the front at one corner and the back at another corner...I guess partly were going for looks...however, the completely cut down field behind me is in a developmental stage for building new homes....UGHHHH that probably won't take place for 5-10 years with our economy the way it is...he had beautiful trees on the land and cut them all down.....We were livid to say the least we chose our lot because of the woods behind it and now there all gone! We had no idea they were going to build on it to and the Realtor always told us NO when we asked him ...BIG FAT LIAR.....just to make a sale...partly our fault we should have checked with the township first and looked over all the plots...however, we were very "green" going into our first time build!

I love the way you snaked your tree line around...I only wish i had as much property as that LOL....But I'm very blessed to have what I do!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

It's that dang "global windiness" again.
My plants are all leaning sideways.
Wish we would get some global warming around here.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Sher...HOOT!...laughing at all your stuff that has blown away!
Glad I'm not your neighbor...well no I take that back...I wish I was your neighbor...we'd have lots o' fun! ;o)
We could set in lawn chairs in snowmobile suits and fluffy slippers and watch the stuff fly by every spring.
Instead of sitting in the mall and playing fashion police...we could be trash police.
Once a county snow plow blew open my mailbox door and a package of 2 bras I ordered from QVC blew out and was discovered by my neighbor the following spring when the snow melted.
Surprised there was no dead bodies out there too.
One advantage to all this cool weather and wind is I can cover up my fat with long pants and flannel shirts.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2009 12:12 AM

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Mr. Wigglypaw wants to know if you wore them after getting them back home?

Hey, theres dead bodies (sad, but true true true) all the time discovered
here in GR uncovered from the melting snow. Poor homeless, senile
characters lost in the winter night so sad.

I have tried setting outside in the wind and cold, albeit "Spring". I have worn
winter coats with gloves and snow boots, and long pants with long underwear,
then they hood pulled up and the drawstrings pulled so tight I look like the
butt hole of a chicken peering out. And then, I can't stay out because I can't breath.
The wind blows my breath away! truly!

This is crazy. I look at my rose groups and the roses everyone is posting are
huge and lush with blooms a poppin. What do I have? Barely new growth and
stunted at best. Not one bloom I think they can grow better flowers up in Alaska
than we can.

This is going to be the shortest growing season I think I have ever seen.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Sher...boy... that's some thought...looking like a chicken butt hole.
The bras didn't fit and I had to send them back.
I think they were flattened and stretched out from cars driving over them all winter. The cups went all away around to the back.
I almost kept them for my back fat.

We're suppose to have a cool summer according to the weather guy that was yakking about it tonight on the 6PM news report.
I think global warming is a big farce (gov.t scare tactic) right along with the bird and swine flu B.S.
Flu shots will kill you before the swine flu.
What will kill you is Michigan winters and lack of sunshine produced vitamin D.
My peppers and tomatoes are out there begging for some red flannel underwear.

Sher you are growing the wrong roses.
Get some Rugosa's!
They will grow into 5 x 5 shrubs and make fragrant flowers for you all summer with *no disease*.
If you don't mind once blooming get some Alba's.
The fragrance will knock your wool socks off
and make you sweat.
Mail order them from Pickerings Nursery.
I can make some recommendations for you if you want.
I have some antique Moss roses thats grow like weeds.
Maybe I can mail you some.
PM me your address.

This message was edited Jun 3, 2009 12:52 AM

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

PS re. roses...they're heavy feeders and like alot of water.
If your soil is sandy they might not be getting enough water/nutrients.
Heavilly apply compost (old horse manure) spring and fall.
Try a time released fertilizer but if you get some Rugosas (that thrive in sandy soil on the Atlantic coast) once established you can basically ignore them and they will even grow through sod.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I think I might have gotten the bras you sent back.
I tried them on and the cups go clear around to the back!!! True!
I have never had a bra like this in my life.

One day, not having anything to wear in the underwear dept, I decided
to wear this bra. It looked like I was shoplifting potatoes under my shirt.

And, the potatoes would move! All day long, I had a potato under my arm,
or in the center of my chest, then it would flatten out and go south to my

I know very well, that this is not how a good bra should fit, so I am thinking
that it might be my body that is incorrect, right?

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes, gentlemen, that IS what bras are like. See what an experience you are missing?

But if being run over all winter flattens them, I think I'll put the stuff I stuff into them out to be run over all winter. Hey, it could work!

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

.................................................................................. I have nothing else to say.................

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)


Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

" It looked like I was shoplifting potatoes under my shirt. And, the potatoes would move! All day long, I had a potato under my arm,
or in the center of my chest, then it would flatten out and go south to my
stomach. "

OH! WP, I'm rolling on the floor, and even though it hurts, I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Axe, Mich., FL(Zone 5a)

Hey, Rose, I had a rugosa in my flower bed that lasted about 4 years. Year 3 one side of the shrub died and year 4 the other side died. It was in a bed with a lot of David Austin roses and they are still fine. Go figure!!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Must of been a bad clone.
Most Rugosas are carefree and long lived.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I think it was gopher damage to the ruts. too bad.

usually the gophers eat my david austin rose, eglytyne, the gophers have
very high quality tastes in my garden.

when i put a new rose in, you should see the tunnels the moles make
to check it out. its disgusting. I have to balance myself as I walk, so I won't
tip over in the garden from soft spots. Truly it is incredible.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Sher...knock on wood... but since we put down Milky Spore last summer
I noticed our mole activity has been reduce.
I'm surprised because our soil is loaded with earthworms and you would think that would keep them active. We have a *horrible* mole problem and I have tripped over their tunnels too. You can always spray your soil with Merit to kill grubs that attrack the moles if you don't want to go the MS route.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Tell me about Merit
The milky spore is cost prohibitive for us.
We can afford next year, one bag. At least that helps.

Maybe moles are not that bad if they eat the grubs?

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