Advice on Annual Vine Choice

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I have some terrazza planters on my deck. The planters are 13" X 13' and the trellis is about 6' and they are too difficult to drag into the garage every fall. These planters are pretty much full sun. So, I am wanting something that would grow big enough in one season. I do not like morning glories. I have tried several vines in the past but have not been real satisfied with the outcome. I have been lurking around on the forum and found a few vines I would like to try. However, it is May 12th and I'm in zone 6. The weather has been unusually cool this spring, but any day now temps are going to become quite warm (we have a lot of humidity).
I would have to order these seeds because there is no one around here that carries such neat tropical seeds or plants. I am wondering if it is too late to order and plant these seed?. Will they get tall enough for them to bloom and be enjoyable yet this summer? Here's a list of the vines I am contemplating:
Chilean Glory Vine: I think this vine is so cute.!.
Canary Bird Vine: I think this would be great with the Chilean Glory Vine or Gloriosa Lily
Night Jasmin cestrum: I love fragrance in my gardens, especially on the deck. I try to get as many plants that have fragrance as possible. (Any suggestions for fragrance (besides petunias) for sunny window boxes would be greatly appreciated.)
Corkscrew Vine: Really neat, I think it would be great with purple Hyacinth bean vine which I have sprouted a few.
Glorisa Lily: just gorgeous, but is the season over for this tuber? I don't know when it blooms. I could lift this tuber and take it in doors for winter.
Hyacinth Bean: Dolochos Lablab Alba (white) Do you know where I can get some seed?

I am mostly concerned if it's too late to order and plant any of the above. Any culture "pointers" would be appreciated.

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

I have the purple bean vine seeds if you are interested.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I know most of these are tropicals, but I thought I could try to use them as annuals.
Thanks for the offer of purple hyacinth bean seeds. I have a few that sprouted, so I think I am good there. I wanted other vines that might be a little more showy. MG's are way too invasive in my area.

Portland, OR

I love the Chilean Glory Vine, and so do the hummers! I got mine in a 4 inch pot, though. It does great in one season here in zone 8, and has even wintered over although not supposed to.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Nancy, I think it's too late this year to order the Chilean Glory Vine for my area. What do you think? If I get it, I will probably try to take cuttings and winter them inside over the winter. Do you know if I can take cuttings? Is the vine woody or herbaceous? I'm not sure that's even the right word here, but I hope you get my idea. I haven't been able to find much information about this vine. I'm in zone 6, so no way will it winter over. I don't want to drag my planters inside over the winter. Although, I do that with the one I have mandevilla vine planted in. However, it's a real pain. Thanks for replying.

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