Salvia Wendy's Wish

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

These are the first blooms on Wendy's Wish that I brought home last week. Was going to buy one, then thought maybe two, thought again and got 4 ...LOL...they need to go into the ground today so that they don't languish......

Thumbnail by wcgypsy
Candor, NC

Is Wendy's Wish for sale by mail order in the USA? It was being trialled at Plant Delights, but was let go as a perennial for the southeastern USA, and is not hardy. I don't know if it is still in the patent process (PPAF) for the USA.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Andy ordered them from Native Sons out here and supposedly "patent rights asserted"....

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I'd like to know where to order this from too!

Keaau, HI

I think Native Sons is one of the only nurseries offering it in the USA. They are strictly wholesale only. So if you aren't in Ca you might be s.o.l. as you would have to find a retailer offering it for sale in Ca. And good luck getting a retail nursery to ship one to you. Someone might try contacting Planthaven and finding out who has rights to propagate this wonderful Salvia and then doing some researching from there.


Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I've recently seen 'Wendy' offered on the might check there......

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Link or name on Marketplace please?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Here 'tis.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Just saw this thread - I have Wendy's wish; purchased it at a local nursery this spring.
I was told they did not get many, so I consider having one a stroke of luck.
I reside outside Seattle, and we can be as low as Z6, depending on the winter. Wendy will be inside for the winter - a stellar plant; worth keeping. Performed well, and was still kicking out flower buds a week ago.
propagate by cuttings?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi Katye, yes...propagate by cuttings. I don't know about anyone else, but mine have not set seed to even try to see what would come from is a nice one, isn't it?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Fabulously gorgeous. I planted Wendy in a large pot, and she so graciously filled it! She ran 3' long flowering wands, which the Hummers adored. I had a chair pulled up right next to her, so that if you sat real still, you would be in the middle of Salvia flower-wands, with the hummers just about in your lap. Fun!
Wendy was quite popular, and should remain so.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Yeah....just when we think there's nothing new, another new exciitng salvia pops up.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

wahhhh, it's all sold out....

London, United Kingdom

When will this beauty be available in the UK??? I WANT it desperately!!!

Candor, NC

As far as I know, Wendy's Wish is still under Plant Patent Protection. I haven't heard from PlantHaven that the patent has been abandoned.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Gee, Robin...I shouldn't feel good that we have something you don't have....I mean you only have about 40 that I want. I shouldn't feel good, but I kinda

Candor, NC

Wendy's Wish is under patent and is licensed to be propagated by only a handful of growers. It is OK to propagate for your own use, but not to sell or give away to third parties.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Rich, could you please provide the patent number for 'Wendy's Wish'? I cannot find it identified as actually having a patent existing at this time.

Candor, NC

Here is the PlantHaven page with the current status:

Note that the statement is: Patent Status: Patent rights asserted

This means its status is in the early stages of PPAF - plant patent applied for. Enabling (that is, propagating and distributing the plant) could invalidate the patent. There is no record of it on the US Patent office search page

This is just what happened to Plectranthus Mona Lavender. Kirstenbosch, the national botanic garden of South Africa, is still smarting over the royalty losses of that one in the United States. Like all government sponsored botanical gardens, they are towards the bottom of the government funding priorities.

Thousand Oaks, CA

So then it is not really correct to say it is under patent at this time, right? Since there is no existing patent, just the assertion that it's currently in the application process?

Keaau, HI

I have a plant patented through PlantHaven...I believe that while a plant is in the process of being patented the breeder asserts the rights that a patent has been applied for and therefore propagating and offering the plant for sale without paying royalties or being licensed is a no-no. Alot of it comes down to enforcement. I know I found a couple of nurseries offering my plant for sale and I turned them in for not respecting my patent rights.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Andy, did you "turn them in" before, or after, you actually had a patent granted? And what action was taken, by whom, after you turned them in?

And Rich, I'm surprised to see you claim it's okay to propagate a patented plant for your own use. Can a person do 5, or 500, plants for their own yard? I don't believe that is what patent law provides. "Asexual reproduction prohibited" applies to the plant, not the intended use of the plant.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2009 10:23 AM

Candor, NC

Propagating from the patented plant for your own use (i.e., on your property) is usually understood to be a small number. Selling these plants is a no-no. There is somewhat of a fuzzy border here. The main goal of preventing the enabling of a protected plant is to make sure that there is a viable way to collect royalties. If major growers have started market penetration, there will be no point to patenting the plant, so it is important to prevent its sale from getting a foothold. If I remember correctly, the growers are stepping up production on Wendy's Wish, so the patent process is at a critical juncture, and it should become available soon.

I still find a few local growers selling Salvia greggii Desert Blaze under different names. S. greggii Teresa is also protected, and I'm sure very small growers are selling it to localized markets.

The development of popular gardening forums and the ever-changing data-mining and marketing possibilities of the Internet call for constant vigilance. Who knows which of these new plants will become breakout sellers? In a court of law, much of the burden of proof rests with the patent holder

At the early stages (evaluation) secrecy is extremely important, and gardens not under the control of the creator must not show the plant to untrustworthy judges sent by growers who will snatch a cutting. To be granted to see the back gardens of a major nurseryman, a university plot (like Alan Armitage's hort evaluation program at U Georgia), or a botanic garden is a special privilege.

Ferpink is in the public section of the UGa garden.

I suspect I am losing some royalties on sales of Salvia greggii Navajo Rose

Right now, I am keeping out an eye for the S. leucantha hybrids with white calyxes and pink flowers (Ferpink) and white flowers (Ferwhite)

Thousand Oaks, CA

Rich, 'Wendy's Wish' has been out for sale to the public for more than half a year in Southern California. I call that enabled.

I'm not aware of Salvia 'Teresa' having any patent at this time either, so I don't understand why you would refer to it as "also protected". No patent, right?

And if you're looking for the pink Salvia leucantha, I'll be selling 'Danielle's Dream' this coming spring.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Yup, that's the application. Just the application. More than 4 years have gone by, and no patent has been granted, so, I don't see that any protection exists at this time.

Candor, NC

I just got this from Geoff:

The patent will not be published until it has been granted.

Patents can take a couple of years to be granted. Sometimes the examiners are backlogged or may have questions which prolong the process.

A patent is not invalidated by any commercial activity which takes place less than 12 months prior to the date of filing.


So, as long as Wendy's Wish is being propagated by the licensed growers, everything is copacetic.

I'll have to check with David and Teresa Steinbrunner to see if they are still pursuing the patent process.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

These are the new blooms on Wendy's Wish as of today. The plant and blooms are, of course, much more developed than a year ago. This one is growing in a large pot, in shade, and looking much better than the ones planted in the ground.

Thumbnail by wcgypsy
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

One sold on Ebay recently.....It really is gorgeous, I almost bit the bullet.....

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

drool.......... bet those hummers like it too.

Hebron, KY

Can't wait to get mine this year! Great pic Sherry!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I got one at my local greenhouse. Really looking forward to it blooming.

Hebron, KY

I got mine and it's planted in a container. Can't wait to see it in bloom!


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I suppose I SHOULD put mine in a container so that I can take it in!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Might have to get one of you guys to pick me up one cause their not around here !!!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

That's odd! I'd think Florida would be full of them!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well at least around here, there are very few nurseries that carry much in the way of salvia's. I have more than any of the ones within several hours of me. Same w/ Agastache.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow. Well you know, I only find this kind of stuff at the "higher" end places, fortunately, this place is only 15 miles. I'll send you dmail

Hebron, KY

Mrs Ed,

You probably got yours the same place I got mine (in IL) through mail order! :-)

I'll probably be wishing I'd ordered more than one!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

No, actually, got it at a greenhouse about 15 miles from me. They didn't have the Mesa series this year though.

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