Starting an "Indian" garden

Woodbridge, VA

I have a small 30' sq plot between two large oak trees, that I want to call my "Indian garden". Any plants with the common name of Indian in it or named by native indians, such as Indian cucumber, Indian paint plant, etc. The plot is in Z7b with dabble sun most of the day. In early afternoon it gets 2-3 hours of sun. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. So far I have:
Indian cucumber (medeola virginiana)
Indian paint plant, hoary puccon (lithosperum canescens)
Indian pinks, (spigelia marilandica)
Moccasin flower, (Cyp. acaule)
I have heard of Indian paint brush (Castilleja, var?) and Indian tobacco (google list many plants).
If anyone has more plants/names, plmk. Better yet, if you have some in your garden and willing to share, or trade (suitable for Zone 7), I will give any of this garden you want next year (seeds, or plants if ready) or anything from my "have list" in the fall or next year. If I don't have anything you want, I wll SASE. The only one's I don't trade are the moccasin flower (C. acaule). They are getting endangered here and very hard to grow from seed. They also hate to be transplanted or moved.
Please remember, from your garden not taken from the wild.


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Indian Mallow
Indian Hawthorn
Indian turnip (jack-in-the-pulpit)
Indian Holly Fern

Search "indian" on the plant files here.

Woodbridge, VA

Thanks, I tried searching the trades, totally forgot about plant files.


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