Giant dioon cycad

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I just got a new palm/cycad (again) (my obsession) and its new to me so if you can help me on anything or everything about him id really apreciate it :)it's a giant dioon palm ,and it says hardy to zone 8b, is it true? how fast do they grow? how tall?,do they like to be rootbound? thank you:)

Thumbnail by ArchAngeL01
Keaau, HI

The largest Dioon species is Dioon spinulosum. It's oldest wild plants get to about 50 ft./ 15 m. Cultivated plants get as tall as 25 ft./ 8 m.

Dioon species are from Mexico and Central America.

What species do you have.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

i have dioon spinulosum:)

Keaau, HI

Dioon spinulosum does not do well in temperature below 55 degrees F / 13 degrees C. Use as large as a pot as possible. Grow it in hummus rich well drained soil which is neutral to slightly alkaline. It prefers to be in partial shade with high humidity.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

it is rootbound.................should i repot him?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

heres a pic

Thumbnail by ArchAngeL01
Keaau, HI

Yes ArchAngel, if it stays rootbound it will cripple the growth.

The plant looks good!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)


Sarasota, FL

ArchAngel, I have 3 dioons that have been in the low 30's on many occassions with no damage or brown whatsoever. One is huge and had a huge female cone last year. I don't know what zone it's hardy to, but I would ask in the palm forum or Florida forum. I know some cycads are hardy to 8b. They do like partial shade/filtered sun and their most important requirement is good drainage. Other than that, an extremely easy plant and beautiful year-round. Yours looks great.

Keaau, HI

Dioon spinulosum needs sustained temperature of 55 degrees F or higher. It may live through some low temperature periods, but will not survive too long in them.

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