Wanted: Any Edible plant seeds, Have some others to trade

Merkel, TX

I am looking to plant a few more varieties in my garden of anything that is edible for area food banks/kitchens and any other needy families. Being in Texas I have along growing season. I have these to trade from other generous folks:
Proa Yarrow (achillea millefolium)
De Arbol Pepper
Petunia, Lavender and Purple
Aster, totem pole mix, burpee
Dianthus, double gaiety mix, burpee
Baby’s Breath, covent garden white, Burpee
Hollyhocks, Unk color
Jalapeno, burpee
Green Bell Pepper
Mystery seeds, small, oblong, dark in color

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I would be glad to donate to your cause. Just give me a general idea of what you need and I will help where I can.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

be glad to help with vegs. seeds let me know what where to send.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I would also be glad to send you some veggie seeds, just let me know what works best for you and where to send them

I have pumpkin-Jack-o-lantern, and watermelon-Yellow meated you are welcome to. D-mail me your address Mekos

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