Hackberry Trees, etc, #2

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Just went in kitchen -
Buddy's been sick over the edge of his basket and is now licking it up!
At least didn't do it on carpet, his usual place.
And I'm having more difficultly bending down (to wipe stuff up) as have sprained bit of back, as sometimes do.
Buddy is not ill - He's just Buddy.
Sharon and JoAnn do you want to exchange a cat - just kidding - wouldn't do that to friends.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

No cat exchanges.
One of mine keeps drinking out of the cups I'm using for coleus cuttings.Go figure

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

I think they're all insane.
Pity no exchanges.
Can I list a few more of Buddy's little charms. These MAY make you change
your mind.
Sometimes makes bad smells, when he sits down besides you.
Never buries the stuff in the cat box.
Always spreads his food off the plate onto the floor.
Sometimes wipes his food up the wall.
Is surely the dirtiest cat in the world.
We've had him for about 15 years. - Now who's the insane ones?

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Heh heh heh...
Buddy knows he has you wrapped around his little paws.

My 4 year old grand son here....
No talking time, you all lost out to a little guy for a day or two.

Enjoy your weekend, my cats are in hiding.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

just for you.....

stormy and windy, so we had to invent inside games...

cats are still hiding.

Thumbnail by Sharran
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Young guy's having fun.
Has a fun Grandma.
Two peas in a pod.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

More than you know....

Both at 4, and both a couple of months or so ago...

Thumbnail by Sharran
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

What a lovely picture Sharon.
Very creative. Full of sunshine.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Finally got the little guy bathed and asleep after three Disney books (we don't watch TV). We had a big day, and will have another tomorrow.

Then I will go back with them to Chicago for a couple of days, so it will be fun.

Funny thing about genetics, Charlie, which you can explain much better than I. My children are very tall, with very dark hair, and dark brown eyes. They are very much like my husband. Only my daughter got my curly hair, but hers is very dark brown with some lighter tones since she lives in the Florida sunshine.

Ethan's mom is dark haired, tall and hazel eyes....

But Ethan is very much like me. He is also left handed, as I am, but I also can use both hands, just prefer one for some things, and the other for other things. Both of my children are right handed. So it is very strange I think, that he is so much like me, but we have a lot of fun with it. He is a real fun little guy, very imaginative. Calls me about every day or so and we have these really strange conversations, "Nana, can you send me a secret message over the phone?"

"Sure....Zoooooom....secret message sent. Did you get it?"

" I got it!!! Yes! I got it, thanks, Nana."

He never asks me what the secret message is, he just says he got it. And so it goes.
A very special little guy.

My husband died suddenly when Ethan was not quite 3. My son explained to him that his Pop Pop was no longer with us, but would watch over him from heaven. So one night when they were talking about it, he had only a few questions, he suddenly said really loud: "Hey Pop Pop, It's OK, I'm here to help Nana now. Don't worry."

And that's what he has done. Every visit he wants to help with whatever I do. We have a pretty special bond. He has his own room here, and makes sure he keeps certain toys and books here, because he says this is his other home. Only problem he lives so far away, but I guess that keeps his visits special.

Well now, I think I have bored you all to tears, but you sure are welcome to share your grandchildren with me whenever you want.

I might be off line for a couple of days or so after tomorrow....will check in if I can, but I'll be sure to catch up as soon as I return.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I understand more than you will ever know.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

I know, Christi, I do know.

He found many wild berries in a shady part of my yard. Also a weedy part. He left the berries 'for the birds' cause they will be hungry in this rain...'

Thumbnail by Sharran
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Stature - complex genetics, with big environmental component.
Even eye color turning out to be more complex than long thought.
Very pleased to hear about Ethan - a very special Grandson with a very special Grandma.
Enjoy yourselves.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Arent genes wonderful?

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Only if they allow me to sleep late, JoAnn...........moan.............. sigh...

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Internet been out, just back on.
Hi JoAnn, Sharon and Christi.
Usually, JoAnn - Well at least Buddy didn't get his genes from me.
Still have spring bulbs here, some tulips, daffodils and hyacinths.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Not much in the way of irises yet - just dwarf ones -Bambury Ruffles.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Looking splendid

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks JoAnn.
Been very windy today. Last night unseasonally cold: with wind chill, 5° below freezing. Been about 54°F most days recently (normal average at this time of year about 70°F). Think I did conversions correctly, temperatures here are in degrees Celsius. All units are metric: am sure, if asked, most Canadians wouldn't have chosen to go metric, unless the United States did. But they weren't asked.
Last night and tonight, we covered up the pansies on the deck, with plastic garbage bags. We also always get geraniums for the deck, but haven't yet. This is the traditional weekend (a long weekend) when Southern Ontarians buy and plant their annuals. Sure many people are waiting until it warms up.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Traveling today...so using I phone is iffy sometimes, but better than not.
Nice In Ky today. Cooler tho the norther I go.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Its too dark to see if we got frost last night or not.
They are calling for frost again tonight. I'll just leave the bedding on the deck and cover again.
I'm going to an annual mkt run by the Amish, today.
I doubt I'll buy anything unless there is something by way of perennials I see.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Been looking at Sharon's distances. 339 miles from Calvert City to Chicago,
as the crow flies and 379 miles by road. Long way. Sharon, hope you're not too cold!
Think you're close to Rochester, NY., JoAnn. Had very good friends in Rochester, many years back (moved now) and used to visit them quite often. Rochester is only 97 miles from Toronto, as the crow flies. We're about 37 miles due north of Toronto.
Sorry to hear about calling for frost. Looks like from today, weather warming up here. We have Amish communities in Southern Ontario. Main one I know
is at St Jacob's, near Waterloo, On. Son went to university in Waterloo, so we often went there. Loved to buy baked goods! You're probably more self-disciplined than me around baked goods. Great vegetables, in season, in the Farmers' Market. Be interesting to see if you get perennials.
It's a real pity we all don't live closer, as I divide quite a few perennials and either give stuff away or put it on a compost heap. Other problem for us is plants and U.S.-Can border. Think they're all hyped up here about a few soil organisms (probably good idea to be careful with commercial crops in mind).

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Itty bitty keyboard, itty bitty message: it is wayyy toooo cold up here. Still on my cell phone. Miss our chats.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Chats - likewise.
Have fun with Ethan.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

No perennials Sunny borders.
They didnt have anything I already didnt have.
I do live in a Rochester suburb.
Its harder to go thru or to Canada than it used to be.
The crooks spoiled it for the rest of us.
There are new security rules going into effect soon that require Identification I just cant be bothered with.Like updated passports and drivers licences ets where all the names have to match. mine dont ,Jo A on one and Jo Ann on another, just too stupid.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Know exactly how you feel about border JoAnn. A small number of people spoil it for the rest of us, as you say. Heard the ferry (Rochester to Toronto) was discontinued. Temporarily, I hope.
Tend to watch a fair bit of Buffalo TV. That's where we get our British comedy and Sherlock Holmes, etc. from.
Sorry saw no perennials Bet you're going to see them elsewhere.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

It was on the news a few days ago.
Alas the ferry is no more.
I tend to think crazy people were responsable for it. The boat was too big for the harbour and the paying fraight like heavy goods,commercial trucks etc just werent stepping up to support it.
As a people transport it was OK but not enough people went on it to make it pay.
I could tell it was going to fail before they brought the boat here from Austrailia where it was built.
When the media takes that much intrest ( sent a newsman to Ausiland to do an on the spot coverage of the building progress) I knew there was something wrong.
Too much hype means no-one is sure of the sucess of it so convince everyone its going to be great.
What a mess.
Lottsa money for a port with shops and new rework of Lake Avenue for easy transport to downtown Roch.
I suppose we will never know the true story of the business men who pushed the state for matching funds and all the politicians who were on board with it and no-one looked at the practical issues.
The boat was here and we sent a news team to cover the Toronto terminal.
The news person stood on a crumpling concrete pier with a 10x10 tent on it.Thats where Toronto was with their plans.
It was easy to see Canada was lukewarm about the idea.
Then how to get people from the boat into the shopping areas. No answers there so the whole venture just fizzled out.
Too bad for the businesses who gave up good locations to be at the port. They lost their shirts.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Very interesting info JoAnn - we don't live in Toronto, so we often don't hear the Toronto news. Very sorry to hear the details. Toronto often annoys us -
big city with small town ideas.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Toranto wasnt the whole reason the ferry failed. It was mostly a good idea sold too soon to the public, and not well thought out.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Interesting, JoAnn.
So we GTAers (Greater Toronto Region) shouldn't hold all of this one against the City of Toronto!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Had problems starting computer again - have to see if it continues!
Below happier things.
Little pink bitterroots, clump of moss phlox, a lungbane and two small Lychnis arkwrightii ( dark color leaves: just planted: bloom later: getting to like orange flowers - particularly in summer - bit stereotypic!).

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Love primulas.
There's a trillium there.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

First clematis flowers opening.
Pink one not open yet - like this type of clematis a lot - not so flashy, but lots of small delicate flowers.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Very sweet.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks guys,
And now - it's almost too hot to garden!
When the going gets tough, the tough get going,
but I'm not quite acclimatized enough yet.
Have fun in Pittsford and Chicago?

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Nice weather for 2 days now. Town house has no garden though. Just shrubs. Boring. And I miss my computer!

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Don't know how I'd feel about my (temperamental) computer,
but would certainly miss my friends.
Picture below: frustrating - allium gigantea behind and forget-me-nots, saved from composting. Would really like to keep the delphinium for myself, but at $24 (Cdn), it's got to go to another garden.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Yep, I miss my friends.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Missing you, Sharon..

Christi Lou

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