Hackberry Trees, etc, #2

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

We came from here:


talking about invasives, spring blooms, and pets.

Join in anytime.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Dial uppers are those who have a slower system, and the longer the threads get the slower it is for them to get to the end of a thread. Takes it longer to load in their computers. DG lingo, I think. I have picked up a few of the phrases, but have a hard time with things like the initials: DD, DS, etc.

A lot of photos seem to increase the length of time it takes for a thread to load. So I usually stop any thread I start with about 200 posts.

Your spring flowers are wonderful. I want primulas for next year, I think.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sharon,
Lot easier.
Does Christi have pets?

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes I know she has a dog named Chester. Can't remember about a cat, though.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sharon,
I will be communicating with the said pets (by ESP) to remind them what
tomorrow is. Buddy has already got Carol a card, but he expected me to pay for it.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Pets are like that.

Daisy has been in my lap most of the evening....I think she expects a gift. Jazz is hiding somewhere. Lazy Lion that he is.

Glad Buddy is so thoughtful, though!

I sure hope mine get your message.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Great sunset tonight...after more than a week of rain and storms.

Photo is not nearly as reddish as the real thing, it was glorious.

Thumbnail by Sharran
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Nice picture Sharon.
Going to get to bed - to force myself to get going early tomorrow - Also tomorrow will not be the day to return late!
Night. 'See' you tomorrow

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

'Nite, Charlie, enjoyed your photos...lovely!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

we had a big wind yesterday,blew from noon to 8 oclock.
Se anything different?
The top is in the house for minor repairs.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

oops wrong photo

Thumbnail by ge1836
Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

To our Mothers,

We may be young.
We may be old.
We may not do
what we are told.

But there's one thing
we want to say.
We love you Mom.
It's Mothers' Day.

Jazz, Daisy, Ben, Jerry, Buddy and friends.

(P.S. We've all promised to be very good -
whatever that means)

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Awwwwwww, how sweet, from our little furry critters. Thank you!

And Charlie, thank you for being the bearer of glad tidings!

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

JoAnn, that's beautiful, even with its missing top. Did you make it?

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Sharon - That's the least they can do.
JoAnn - Very interesting contrast in the picture - the change through the growing season always amazes me. Birdbath? - nice piece of hardscape -
really adds to the plants.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Knew there was something else before I get working.
Trillium in back garden. Will check local woodlot.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Great trillium, Sunny...one of my favorites.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I didnt make it.
Clay got too heavy to work with 10 years ago. I still love it though and buy pieces I like when I se them.This is a local woman.
My4 daughters gave me a tree peony for Moms Day.I posted it somewhere else on GardnTlk.
but I'm so thrilled I'll post again

Thumbnail by ge1836
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous, Jo Ann. I love peonies, particularly the tree peony. What a great gift.

My son stopped by, had ordered for me a couple of those topsy turvy tomato planter things. It isn't here yet. But I am excited to get it.

Trouble is, he says he thinks there was a deal when he ordered, and I might be getting four!! Trying to figure what else will grow in them in addition to tomatoes.

And my daughter sent money so I could buy more plants....hmmmmm, our kids know us very well, don't they?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I live with DD#2, When we talk about "the yard" I used to mention how much I loved the yellow TreePeo. at her old house and wished I could find a place for one here.
Just last week I was looking at the sparse Lazagna garden and said"if plants dont survive in that spase I'd like to put in some bushes ,Lilac,JM's Tree peony etc"
Thats when she said how big the hole has to be to plant a treeP. I gave up on the plan.
My daughters are great women. I am really proud of them,I remember when they were little and wondered if they would ever "make it" Teen years especially.
They are all over 50 now and settled and its great when we get together.
Especially when they give me a tree peony.heh heh heh

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi JoAnn, Sharon, Christi,
Don't have tree peonies, but other peonies do very well here - just about indestructable.
Love lilacs - think you can get quite small ones now, for smaller areas.
Sounds like the family gets on very well together, JoAnn - way to go.
Really busy - trying to decide if I need to hire help for two other gardens - gets more complicated, if I do.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Don't spread yourself too thin, Charlie...you won't have any time left for yourself.

Going out to dig up some sod, plant some beans to go with those tomatoes I will have.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I found a neighbor hood kid to do the edging.
Thats a big load off my back.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Good for you, Joann, wish I had neighborhood kids who knew a little about gardening. I have to watch every move they make, then end up doing most of it myself.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

This is a college kid who couldnt find a job for the summer.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Lucky you. Maybe you can depend on him more often.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the thought, Sharon
- additional gardens are ones I put in and include the School garden (latter,
they pay my helper (not me) - but I have to make the wage up). Knew the minute the garden was named after me - would be a challenge - like to keep on top of a garden, but can't when it's almost twenty miles away and is particularly heavy work.
Below one of my two important customers - the smaller garden.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful property, lovely garden, too.

And the garden at school was named after you....how perfectly fitting, Charlie. Is that the school where you taught?

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Yes Sharon - only problem is now I can't let it go to seed!
Detail of above customer's garden, when I started today.
Have already spent 15 hours on it (this year) - pulling most of it to bits and replanting - only a small section left to do.
Easy to see why perennial gardening is good for only two kind of people:
(1) those who can pay for it (high knowledge and labor intensive work), and
(2) those who have the interest and physical form to do it themselves.
Everybody else should stick to to grass, shrubs and/or annuals.
Amazing how many people think you just plant perennials and they look after themselves for the next fifty years!
Like you, though, I really enjoy doing the work.

Thumbnail by SunnyBorders
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

yes, you are right again. Makes me wonder how much longer I will be able to dig my way around out there.

The bed is going to be a lovely sight very soon. You'll have to show us more pictures as it progresses.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

I aim for perfection - of course, never reach it; but if doing it commercially, do feel under pressure for all of a garden to look good, all of the time.
On the other hand, pictures in gardening magazines are just selections of the best part of a perennial garden at a particular time, they don't show you the rest.
Whatever; continual flowering means using a lot of different plants (to bloom at different times) and the plants are often very different in longevities, degrees of vigorousness, etc. Part of the challenge.
Think, if it was just for me, wouldn't feel so pressured - can always use a smaller variety of longer lived perennials (e.g. heritage phlox and heritage globe thistle, garden iris, culver's root, 'Magnus' purple cone flower and monkshood). I find plants like these don't require so much of a periodic hatchet job. I certainly don't, can't, maintain the School garden up to the level I might expect for my customers.
Of course, some of the push is self generated! Find customers sometimes notice traditional and obvious things, rather than potentially more subtle and interesting things (e.g. hybrid tulips rather than species anenomes).

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

And some don't care to know the difference, Charlie....apathetic about species, etc. Or so it is with my friends.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Interesting Sharon,
Meant to ask you,
-how often does Dave's newsletter come?
-don't seem to have received one for some time.
-maybe just imagining it!

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

They come on every Monday. You should have received one today. Check your preferences (on your home page) to make sure you have that request turned on. I think that's how it works.

I'll check.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Ok, go to your home page and click on the tab at the top that says "My Tools".

On the right side, there is a column saying 'preferences" and beneath that you can click on "newsletter". That will take you to the page for checking it to make sure you are on the mailing list.

It does come to your e mail address.

Hope that helps.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sharon
- I am signed up for it.
- must not be as frequent as I thought.
- I'd better do some work.
- I hope Jazz and Daisy are minding their ps and qs and otherwise models of
exemplary behavior. ???
- Back tomorrow.

Aurora, ON(Zone 5b)

Sharon - further to your advice, just found out have not been getting Dave's newsletter for several weeks. Was able to confirm it was sent, through preferences. Problem due to computer related problem, not the computer itself. Have access to newsletters through mymail.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

So it is resolved now? And you can see the newsletter?

I have spent the day fighting that dastardly euphorbia that I mentioned. Early this morning, I remembered I had a liatris in the iris bed, just beside the young magnolia. But if you remember from the photo, it is covered in euphorbia. So out I went early today and started pulling out the stubborn spurge. I have worked all day on that bed, but YES!! Found the liatris. It was struggling to get to the sunlight, fighting to survive.

HA! Liatris ONE, Euphorbia ZERO.

But now I am about a hundred years old, even though I took lots of breaks. And I found a bud on the yellow rose I thought I had lost. Now I can't remember it's name, but will try to remember to check its tag tomorrow. If I can walk uphill to get to it tomorrow......sigh.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Bless your heart. I remember a few days ago bumping my knee and saying "ouch".
Can't remember where or how but now I can't kneel on that knee without having a fit.
Old age is not for sissies.


Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

And bruises on my legs that came from where or when??

And muscles that I didn't know I had.
And maybe I no longer do.

I dunno. I try to do a little in the yard every day, but today was a real looooong work day. And I am worn out.

Maybe I will be able to tackle the rose garden/iris garden/leftover other plants garden this week too, but have my doubts.

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