I WILL Get Berries From My Viburnum Dent. 'Blue Muffin' Yet!

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

I am determined to get blue berries for the birds on my Viburnum Dentatum Blue Muffin!

Learning quite bit about pollination in Viburnums from Viburnum Valley and KMan Blue, I went out to one of fav gardening places, Pesche's, and got a V. Dentatum Arrowwood (no other name and I think all the Dentatums are called Arrowwood) and a V. Dentatum 'Chicago Lustre' and planted them today. Here's a pic of the two of them . . .

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

. . . and here's a pic of 'Blue Muffin' across the yard, taken last year. It's about 4 years old now and gets flowers but no berries (maybe a couple). I never understood why until I read VV's and KMan Blue's explanation (see thread in this forum called "Viburnum (Which One Is Best Here)??") Viburnums are self sterile and since Blue Muffin is vegetatively propagated, it has the same genetic material as any other Blue Muffin. Hmmm!!! I find this a really interesting subject, but just wanting blue berries, I went out and got these two other Dentatums. Hopefully, the bloom times will align.

Whew! Who knew, uh . . . "breeding" . . . could be so hard? We sure have no problems with it! ; )

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I have a Japanese snowball that is the same bloom time as the blue muffin.


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