Poughkeepsie Farm Project

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

Went to the PFP open house this morning. Anyone out there familiar with it?

Rhinebeck, NY(Zone 5b)

No, I am not familiar with it ... is it an urban garden?

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

It's on the Vassar Farm, near Vassar College. It's 10 acres of garden. There's a cooperative garden where you buy shares, work a minimum of 12 hours over the growing season and pick up produce once a week. They also have community garden plots you can rent and grow your own. I'm planning to go sometimes on Wednesday afternoons when they're working on the meditation garden and get some insight into herbs. There are work shops they offer on seed saving, herb tinctures, sustainable gardening, etc. They have master gardeners and student interns there. The location is the corner of Raymond and Hooker Ave. in Poughkeepsie.

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