wanted millet seed

Plano, TX

purple passion millet seed--i loved my purple passion millet last year and thought it would reseed itself but nothing is coming up--i think it should by now so am wondering if i need to start over--

Columbus, OH

I tried saving seed, and about half of them come up green, and half purple, so make sure to plan for that.

Plano, TX

really? interesting

Chicago Suburbs, IL(Zone 5b)

Do you mean Purple Majesty Millet? If you do I have TONS, d-mail me. It does come up green but turns purple as it grows.

Plano, TX

yes it is what i mean--i can't believe i called it "purple passion"! where did that come from i wonder??

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Must've had something else on your mind? LOL

Plano, TX

pretty funny!! no i think it is just a matter of getting older and mixing up my words!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm there!

Plano, TX

i always know what i mean--too bad not everyone else does!!

Columbus, OH

Now I wonder if I weeded out seedlings that just needed sun to turn more purple..hmmmm...

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