Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a glorious day in Delray-les-Plages.

I planted this Blue Eye Susan passionflower vine about 3 weeks ago. It has climbed a good 4 feet since it arrived. It bloomed a few hours ago. When I checked it out just after sunrise today, the bud was about the size of my thumb (maybe a bit shorter). Then suddenly, VOILÀ! it's open. We are very excited.

Take care, all.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Gorgeous!! I need to plant my seeds of my white hardy passionvine. But if I do I'm just throwing them outside and pointing my finger at them and telling them to grow!! LOL. And now I need a tropical one thanks to you!! LOL

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

What an outstanding picture - just lovely Sylvain!

saskatoon, Canada


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Pu'ole, I have the same vine and am so thrilled that it made it through the winter. The vine is growing like a "weed" but so far no blooms. Lady Margaret red is just outside my window has she has been blooming just one at time. We had just the one day of sun and it is overcast and misting again this morning. The beautiful flowers need sun.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We have the same passion vine. Oh, I tell you, if we lived closer to each other, people would start rumors. We are expecting 2 more blooms today. It's like a present every day. Mine goes crazy on Miracle Grow. I have a whole bucket of it and I am generous with the stuff.

Take care.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

hahaha. We could trade flowers all the time. Anything that grows here has to be really hardy. Right now we are in a flood mode, by June we will start a drought and temps will be over a hundred by the first of July. This past winter had more than one day in the lower 20's. Always a challenge.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

mmmm..I better get there soon then.
Wow Sylvain..beautiful flower. That photo..what detailed clear shot!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Randy. My Olympus does nice close-up and macro work all by itself. I just have to set it, point and shoot. The file is then tweaked with Photoshop: cropping, levels, brightness, contrast and it's ready for Dave's garden.

We've been quite lucky with this passionflower vine. I love it.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Randy, got the Lady Margaret at Caldwell's. She is going great guns.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I love that passion LM!

want the camera, but suspect the operator does quite well

Huntsville, Canada

They have always been my favorie flower thank you for shareing

Xai Xai, Mozambique

gorgeous pic, puole!! is it still growing?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

The Gulf Fritillary caterpillars ate all the leaves, leaving only the stems shortly after that picture was taken. It persevered, made some new leaves and a few flowers, which the caterpillars ate again down to almost nothing. So, it can go fly a kite. I no longer cares if it survives or not. I have a rule in my garden: survive or be replaced.

It's such a heartache to see such a beautiful plant devastated in less than 2 days. I now have other passionflowers that have yet to bloom but at least the caterpillars leave them alone because they contain deadly alcaloids. Butterfly gardening is vastly overrated unless you have a masochistic trait in your psyche.

Take care, all.

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

I'm with you on the butterfly garden Sylvain. I had some passionflower vines when I lived in Calif and battled those butterflies endlessly -- and mostly unsuccessfully. I would not go down that road again and plant something that I know is going to be devoured in front of my eyes. Frankly, I think butterflies are pretty in that form but they are not worth having their voracious caterpillar stage eat all your flowers. It's not a popular opinion though.

Huntsville, Canada

lol I planted one once thats what happend it disapeared b4 the flower, never got to see it thank you for sharing yours with all on here

Sydney, Australia

Wow! an outstanding picture

rome, Italy

wow, what a wonderful Byron Beauty! many compliments!

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