"Old" spring flowering bulbs?

Colon, MI

I found that I had tulip bulbs in my garage that I forgot to plant last fall! Senior-CRS! Any thing to do with them now? Could I put them in the ground now to get some nourishment for next year? Darn. They were really nice ones that I got on clearance but maybe they weren't such a deal after all!

Lachine, MI

If they are not hollow feeling or mushy...plant them now... it will take them up to 3 years to bloom for you...I do it all the time. This year I have a ton of different alliums finally coming up as plants after 3 years...but still not sure if they are going to bloom this season.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

hmmmm I bought a bunch of allium & tulip bulbs from a coop this past fall and planted them and there all up and blooming except the ones I lost...

Lachine, MI

Your bulbs must have been bigger then mine were-lol
Glad they are coming up and going to bloom pepsidrinker!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

thx ^_^

Colon, MI

Thanks! I have them all in the ground now finally except for a few "mushy" ones. Didn't have any bone meal but gave them a little Osmacote. I have tulips in a big "top hat planter" downtown that I plant for the garden club. I dug those out and put them in the ground too. Then in fall I will replant them in the "hat". I had done that before with good results.

Plymouth, IN(Zone 5a)

You might even want to try the mushy ones. I bought some lily bulbs last year, forgot about them and when I stumbled across them again they were soft. I figured what do I have to loose and planted them anyway. I wasn't really expecting them to come up this spring but a couple actually did!


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