Pics and I am stumped..

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Goodmorning everyone..I am so thrilled to see this clematis bloom BUT, the name on my Marker is gone and I can't for the life of me figure this one out..I am "assuming" it is a pruning group 2 and must be a double??......Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I thought this a unique pic of clematis "John Huxtable"..he is a delicious white pruning group 3 but doesn't seem as wild as "Huldine" but the blooms are much larger..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

With my climbing roses getting so HUGE clematis "Barbara Harrington" seems to be getting more shade ..but she seems to be ok...isn't she scrumptious!!..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Solina" is co-planted with Clematis "Princess Di" BUT "PD" always seems to catch up when I hard Prune "Solina" for round 2..isn't "Solina" precious?

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I am just MAD about Clematis "Tentel" and his mingling with Clematis "Ascotinensis"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Tie Dye" is a MUST HAVE in anyone's that tiedyed look..don't you?

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

This one was sold to me online as Clematis "Etoile Violette" BUT I am seeing a reddish/maroon bar..could she be someone else?..TIA..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Fairy Dust" is beginning to bloom and just Check out my Brugs..yipppeeee

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jeanne: Your Clems are simply a "feast for the eye's"! What a wonderful collection, great combinations and enticing pictures. Could your 1st picture possibly be "Mrs. N. Thompson"?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Beautiful clems and gorgeous combinations! I always look forward to your pics, comments and advice. Thanks for sharing Jeanne.


Delaware, OH

shirley, jeanne, i too think it could be mrs n thompson...especially if it is shade, that would diminish the red central bar, which usually contrasts more with the purple on that clem.
jeanne, is it in a shady location?

(Zone 4a)


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks yall..
No CG..this clematis gets full sun from about noon till Sundown.
Shirley thanks hon but I don't think it's "Mrs. N. Thompson" as I have her growing in my front gardens and she is unmistakeable with her brilliant red bar and reddish anthers.....Jeanne
Here is my "Mrs. N. Thompson"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Delaware, OH

jeanne, are those the first blooms of the year for that clem? many clems can throw some extra sepals when they first bloom, but really wouldn't be a real double. the ones that do it all the time are referred to as semi double...
did you lose your tag? can you compare to purchase records and make a short list of what it could be, ie ones you have bought that you do not know where they are?

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeanne, I'm so glad you posted a pic of Barbara Harrington. I decided last night that I would probably order her and also Prince Charles. I was going to ask for advice, but your photo pretty much made up my mind. And, I LOVE Tie Dye with the red in the background. I hope mine does as well. If Barbara does well in TX, shouldn't she do well over here east of you?

Delaware, OH

jeanne, since g sikorski is blooming else where in tx, your clem looks a lot like that one, just threw some extra sepals ??????

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Barbara would grow beautifully in Florida for you...
CG...a Friend of mine over at GB's id-ed this clematis as "Beata" which I did get from Chalkhill with their closing sale...I know that clematis can be off colour and shape when they are baby blooms this one just shocks me at how large it is for a pruning group 3...Jeanne

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Jeanne what ever the first first one is, it is beautiful, as all of your vines are.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Gary...thought I'd add a pic of my clematis "Huvi" from this afternoon..such an intense colour....Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Isn't "Huvi" special!!..Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

"Huvi" is gorgeous! That color is soooo deep and saturated! Woo Hoo!

Morgantown, WV(Zone 6a)

Did you ever get an ID on the 1st pic? It looks a lot like my H.F. Young. One side of my plant has single blooms & the other has what I guess they call semi-double. (It has the 8 petals like the singles & 15 smaller petals on top of them. ) This is my 1st clematis ever - a Mother's Day gift from last year. Didn't do much last year but right now it has 4 blooms about the width of my hand. Gorgeous! Hope you find the ID of yours.

(Zone 4a)

Your blooms are just marvalous!! I can't even wrap my brain around having that many clematis....although I do wish I could have one of each to enjoy in my gardens....

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Dawn...
Yes Pam...We believe it is Clematis "Beata"..that I got from Chalkhill during their closing sale...Jeanne

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thought I'd show yall "Princess Di" starting to bloom

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Delaware, OH

jeanne, how old is your diana? do you have many texensis clems? are they harder to establish down there than other clems?
some have been a challenge here, but once booming they are very floriferous. my diana is just in the ground since last fall and i also have a 1 year old sir trevor lawrence among other texensis. but the duchess of albany and etoile rose are my two best successes so far in this group ,mainly by how long they have been in the ground with me i think.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

She is 2 years old and I have the Species "Texensis" growing in my front gardens..No they love it here because their origination is from Texas..hence the name Texensis...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

how fast do they establish in texas?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Mine have seem to have adapted very well in my gardens..I got "Texensis" in a trade on Dave's ..very small plant and am thrilled to see it has flourished and is already about 5 feet tall..I also planted a "Duchess of Albany" but she wilted..I am still hoping she will reappear....Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Princess Diana is a beauty, Jeanne! I love her lipstick pinkish-red color and tulip shaped tepals! She definitely one of my favorites!

I have several of the Texensis variety. My best Texensis is "Lady Bird Johnson", which I've had growing on my mailbox post for many years. Can't even remember how many! I recently planted several over Texensis and all have done well except "Gravetye Beauty". It's a no show so far.....grrrr!

Delaware, OH

Gravetye hard to establish here too. i am on my second one. i really want a lady bird, but always seem to find it out of stock, need to put it back on my "hope to get" list.
once the texensis take off they are gorgeous. someone on the forum here has posted pic of their princess diana that is to die for. it is like a lush, huge column of beauty.
i think full sun is one key, and the drainage thing too of course. but that one has it nailed......

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm in love with ALL the different varieties of Texensis! I just adore their sweet & delicate looking tepals and lucious saturated colors! Good to know that "Gravetye Beauty" is a hard one to establish, but at the same time I had grown it out for 6 months prior to planting. It had full sun and good drainage. I'll keep watering the soil, because maybe it's a slow poke! I'll keep trying, because I've got to have that one in my collection!

Do you have "Sir Trevor Lawrence", CG? Anyone have this one? Are you happy with it?

Delaware, OH

shirey i have it, but it has only been in ground since last fall. same time i put diana out. i am please they are both up and green and about 12 to 15 inches high. i have pinched them out a couple of times.....diana in particular has more stems than i have had with texensis before, but sir lawrence looks good for what my memory is of the last texensis i put out. i always expect them to be slow to establish.
so we are on our way with them.
i would say both are off to a better start than i expected.
my etoile rose is one of the show stoppers here, can be leggy with the longer pedicles, but just covered in blooms. that is one reason i grow it with the prince charles to get a massed in effect. prince charles took a few years also, but is one of my amazing clems. i love it and highly recommend it.
diana is very much like etoile rose, but i have heard easier to grow than the etoile rose. the etoile rose did take about 4 years to establish into what i would call a very nice display.
i love the small flowered clems and the species. i have fremontii in and hope to be able to grow it. it had a flower when i got it, i cut it back, it is already blooming, but is tiny, about 12 inches high. not sure i have it in the best location.......but we are always wondering that, aren't we?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll have to add "Sir Trevor Lawrence" to my texensis collection. "Ladybird Johnson" & "Princess Diana" are my favorites. I don't remember if I have "Etoile Rose". I think I have "Duchess of Albany". I know that texensis can be prone to mildew, but so far so good!

I'm not familiar with fremontii. Do you have a picture of it that you can post?

Delaware, OH

fremontii is a species that is slow growing, but likes neglect,sandy soil and drainage. here is mine , just put it in and so far so good. oops no photo on file, will photograph it this afternoon and post here.

i use the bayer 3 in one on the texensis when i use it on the few roses i have trying to prevent the powdery. better to prevent than cure.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oops, fremontii is M.I.A.!

Delaware, OH

stuck at desk right now and when i get back outside camera or phone with camera is always with me.... can't wait to get back out there!

Delaware, OH

jeanne, so you have omoshiro?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Terrific photos, everyone!

I love my Omoshiro! (Thanks to 2Zues)

Thumbnail by pirl

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