Anyone In Georgia Familiar with TyTyNursery

Dothan, AL(Zone 8a)

Hi sister state gardeners. I was hoping one of you could tell my anything about TyTy Nursery in TyTy Georgia. It is not listed with Daves Garden. I placed an order for a Sylvester Palm on April 14th. The only reply I have gotten was one sentence simply saying " Thank you for your order, we ship within 7 to 10 days ". I have yet to recieve the order and my credit card has been charged. I have sent e-mails, without replies, I have called the two numbers listed on their site, and get no answer to either number.
Can anyone tell me anything about them ?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

TyTy has a very bad reputation. It was removed from the watchdog. I used to have the archive available but a computer crash has eliminated that.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Try calling the Better Business Bureau for that area to follow up.

TyTy is quite a difficult organization to work with.

This link may give you some background on how they do business:

Best of luck to you. t.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

If you don't get your order or satisfactory order by the time your CC charges come in, you can dispute the charge with your credit card company. Keep a document of everything you do, phone calls, email, etc...

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

farmerdill, does that mean you can't even see their negative reviews in Watchdog? Why would it be removed? I've only heard horrible things of this company (and their alias's!).

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

This will give you some background.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

LOL! Well if "daves" can't advertise an opinion by listing it in GW I'm sure glad we can have threads that point it out! And thank-you to the thread starter for asking!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is a CRAZY website. What's with the girl with cleavage and the guy with shirt open? CHEEEZY!

Dothan, AL(Zone 8a)

It is a crazy website.......
Since starting this thread, I do have American Express investigating the matter. I will let you all know the outcome.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

It is cheezy. Maybe they got design mixed up with their porn site. LOL

Well I will avoid them like the plague


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Their site is funny but I wouldn't order a thing from them or their other 10 or so names.

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