Vanda orchid !!!????-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-......-.-?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

i just got a baby vanda orchid and i was wandering how long do you think it will take it to bloom????!!! any info is apreciated! thnxx!!

Keaau, HI

Flowering depends on the Orchids culture.

For Vandas, give them lots of light, but protect them from hot mid-day sun. Keep them well watered and give them liquid fertilizer every third watering. Mist them at least twice a day, especially when the air is hot and dry.

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Dave said the best advice! Regarding flowering time, I'm curious if it is a baby Vanda, or her smaller-size cousin, Ascocentrum. Or a hybrid between the two.

I have an ascocentrum, and the blooming-size plant is as big as my hubby's hand (last year's pic -blooming in April, this year I'm just hoping to keep my little Asc. alive!)

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Vandas and many Ascocenda (Vanda X Ascocentrum hybrids) are bigger in size, here's a few (not mine, but I wish...) with a smiling head for reference...


Thumbnail by goofybulb
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Is it a seedling, or a division? Seedlings might take longer time and more pampering (more moisture, but still make sure the leaves are dry before nightfall)

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

the little guy is about 5 inches tall and i think its a purple/blue variety ,i got him for three dollers at lowes ,in which it came in one of those little baggies ,it was on sale but is still really heathy ,thanxx for any help

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)


Richland, MI(Zone 5b)


I assume then that your orchid comes from Better-Gro, their website is . However, I looked hard and didn't find a "contact us" info. They give some growth advice for the orchids they sell through the big chain-stores.
I googled them, and I find this:

Sun Bulb Company Inc.
Private Company, Headquarters Location
1615 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia, FL 34266, United States
(863)494-4022, (813)494-7568 fax,

You could try call them and ask details about your orchid, like when is it supposed to flower, under proper growing conditions. Hopefully they are nice and will answer, or they could give you info about their supplier/nursery so you can ask further.

I've never purchased any bag-orchids from my local store, not because I'm fussy or snobby, just because they looked bad and on the verge of "crossing the rainbow"... and I have already enough to keep alive as it is. God knows I do rescuing missions in Home Depot quite often, some of them are a hit, some are a miss.

No matter what, I hope you'll be a good parent to your new "baby", and I'm waiting for your bloom pictures! My low level of experience cannot give better advice, but I trust Dave's (Metrosideros). As weather permits you, keep it outside, this is the most natural way of providing air circulation. This might actually provide some constant air humidity during the day, to supplement your watering and misting. Listen to Dave about the light requirements, and fertilizing. What I was constantly told ever since I started growing orchids (re: fertilizer): less is more! Do not abuse it, it might burn roots and leaves insted of giving you a growth burst. If you kept your orchid in dense shade, take her gradually to lighter shade before putting it into bright shade or sun. Vandas are said to be light-loving, but not full mid-day sun.

Most Vandas that I've seen are in baskets with NO potting soil of any kind. They like to be "rained" (read water them), but not to have their roots in wet media.

Hope this helps. Hugs,

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much goofybulb !!! =) he is outside i figured he would love the summer humidity and heat ,i keep him on a tray of moist pebbles and yes i got him from the sunbulb compony lol but one time i got a bagged orchid in full bloom!!! and it smelled so good ,it was some sort of cattleya,so everytime i see new shipments of the bagged ones i check em all out for blooms haha much cheaper that way ,i have had my phaleanopsis bloom again but it took it a year and everyday misting with a southern window exsposure it really wasn't worth it for the phaleanopsis but it would be so worth it for a rarer kind or a more less common and scented orchid ,i love the scented ones ,it's just the ph. are so common and in bloom at grocery stores and lowes hd, ect it seemd it wasn't worth it (no offense to ph. lovers lol) but i hope my vanda blooms soon ,cross your fingers!!!!

A happy Vanda will bloom almost continuously. But! some are terrestial, some air only. The air ones have marvelous roots, and must be misted often, even several times a day.

Few orchids are fragrant, but when they are, wowee! They are often fragrant only at one time of day, some in the mornings, some at night. The most fragrant seem to have frumpy green/brown/purple blooms.

I love Vandas, had a neighbor who had some terrestial ones seven feet tall! And Phals, and others bloom once a year. Dendrobiums are an easy type that bloom constantly.

Good luck with your Vanda, they're special.


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