Need help with my smoke tree (pruning)

Decatur, GA(Zone 7b)

I sort of thought this would go under a Shrub forum or a Pruning forum, but couldn't find one. I hope someone on here can help. I have this smoke tree (it may be a smoke bush, instead of tree, but I'm not sure...) that is growing all crazy. This is the 4th spring I've had it. Originally I did not want to prune it because I heard somewhere that once you prune one, you keep having to do it and that it's better to let a smoke tree find it's natural shape. I'm all for that philosophy, but this tree grew all crazy. As you can see from the first picture, it just kind of grew straight up and looks kind of like it's begging for pruning. So I pruned it and it looked okay the first year, but didn't bloom because of the pruning. Like a crape myrtle that has been pruned (yes, I know you shouldn't really prune those, either...), multiple branches grew out from where each cut was made. So this year I didn't prune it and hence it's full of blooms, but also the branches are all drooped over. We did have alot of rain yesterday which made them bend, but I don't think they will snap back even when they're dry. So now it looks all crazy, which you will see in the second picture. So I need to know how I should prune this monster, if at all.

Thumbnail by erdooley
Decatur, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's a picture of how the tree looks now, so you can see the bent branches. My thought is to prune it almost to the ground and start over. What do you think? And If I did this in the fall instead of late winter, would I possibly have blooms next spring? Thanks for any advice!

Thumbnail by erdooley
Danville, IN

If you want blooms, you need to do any pruning in the spring, or very early summer, as it blooms on year-old wood. Some people cut their smoke bushes to the ground every spring to get the deepest colored shoots (the purple-leafed variety). If you want bloom, select three or four of the strongest shoots and just "top" them to encourage branching. That way you'll get a more tree like bush. Actually, it looks like you've got a good start to that look. This year, the stems will get thicker and less likely to bend over from a rain. Good luck!

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