caramel color question

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

Pretty to growing heuchera. I think in danger of an addiction. I have some 'caramel' that I got last year. They are going from their caramel color to more plain yellow- even chartreuse. The same thing happened towards the end of last summer, then the new growth this spring was nicely caramel colored..until about 2 weeks ago. Do they just get greener as the leaves age? Do they tend to go green if they're getting too much sun? Once the greening has happened, if I move them, or make whatever adjustment someone can recommend, will the existing leaves 'pinken' again, or would the more desired color only be on the new growth? They seem otherwise very healthy and have lots of new leaves-those are all bright coral. Thanks for any help!!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hmmmm... that's interesting. Is it possible to post some pictures? I wonder if it's something with the PH of the soil -what type of trees are around them? If the leaves are coming out coral and then changing to green, I'm thinking possibly too much sun - but that's just a hunch. Maybe someone closer to your zone could help you out. Mine got very reddish over winter but as the weather warmed turned their bright apricot color.

Athens, PA

I just bought Caramel and when I put her in, she turned greenish. Now that she has been in for several weeks, her peachy color has returned.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

here are some pics- one from maybe a month ago, this first one is from about a month ago. The oldest leaves, left over from last year are greenest, so I'm guessing sun. I may move one to a much shadier spot and see what happens in a month or so, i'll try to post another pic then. Anyone know which, if any, heuchera in the peachy realm, can take the most sun? Amber waves, southern comfort, marmalade? something like that?

Thumbnail by monkapotamus
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

here's a pic from the other day

Thumbnail by monkapotamus
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

I think we will have a good experiment here.... was at Home Depot the other day. They had Caramels, some were outside on a shelf in sun and others were shoved on a bottom shelf under a covered area. When searching for the best ones to buy, I noticed the bottom ones out of the sun were very limey green. The others that got sun were more apricot colored.

The ones I referred to in my earlier post were put in last fall but are in quite a bit of sun, mostly late afternoon. Right now since the trees are just blooming, they are getting alot of light and are a very pretty color. I did buy the green ones at HD and have them in the same area as my others, getting alot of light and will get full afternoon sun later in the season. Will keep you posted on their coloring progress.

Here's a couple pictures. The new Caramels are in the foreground and the ones planted last fall in the back. Along with them are Tiramisu that came out of winter very nice and then poor little Peach Flambe that always seem to struggle after winter. I'm thinking that if the Peach Flambe bite the dust, I'll replace them with Georgia Peach that look really nice too coming out of winter. Caramel, Tiramisu and Georgia Peach are my new favorites.

Thumbnail by medinac
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

monkapotamus - That is just so interesting that yours had such a nice coloring only a month ago and then turned so green. I'm seeing what I think are oak leaves so they must get some shade later on, correct? Are they getting an awful lot of sun right now and what's the difference in temperature from last month to this? Maybe a combination of too much sun and more heat? I thought villosas were able to take heat and humidity so I wouldn't think temperature so much but maybe if they're in full sun adding heat/humidity, it's too much for it. I think I'd try a spot with some light morning sun and afternoon shade maybe and see what happens.

Referring to your question which peach would do well in the most sun... I'm not sure because of your zone. Mine do fine in quite a bit of sun. If fact, the labels from our local grower that supplies Home Depot, say full sun for Caramel.

Good luck with yours... and your Heuchera addiction!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, the oak leaves are actually just blown around and not cleaned up yet. got lazy for a while and now its been to wet to rake them up. The tree isn't what's shading them so much as the house/fence. I was curious about the temp. too. It did get really warm for a while and then turn cool and rainy again. Interesting about the ones at HD in sun/shade. I could be backwards in my guess! I've now moved one into more shade. We'll see which way it starts to lean towards soon. I'd be thrilled if more sun helps them out! Then I've got several more spots they'd look great in . I did try rooting some little side shoots for the first time, so hopefully i'll have a few more too.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

I moved one to full sun, and it was getting a warmer color, and the one in shade was becoming less green, but less so. So I thought it was sun exposure affecting the color, but then we have had cool rainy weather for a few days, and they've all gone greener again. So maybe more an issue of temperature, and the one in full sun was just getting warmer? Anyone else have heuchs that change color that quickly with the temps? It is like a mood ring! But, I'm so pleased that Caramel seems perfectly comfy in full sun.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

This Heuchera keeps it's color. It's either 'Carmel' or 'Creme Brulee', I can't remember. The underside of the leaves are red. No green leaves ever. It gets full sun until early afternoon. It was in a large clay pot for two years. I finally put it in the ground last summer.

Thumbnail by pastime
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

pastime - Lovely picture and such great color! That color really sets off the area.

I do think Caramel likes more sun and warmth. After planting my new ones that were very green from HD, they changed color within 3 days to the peach color. So I do think they are able to change color that quickly. If I remember correctly, mine coming out of winter changed rather quickly from very red to the caramel color as the weather warmed.

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

That's gorgeous, pastime.

I have several Dolce Peach Melbas in my garden, in different spots. The ones in more shade get greenish leaves, and the ones in more sun stay a prettier peach shade. The shade ones just seem to struggle in general, I find. I also notice if they are placed next to a green plant, they take on that hue (like I have one near lime green creeping jenny that really starts to take on that color...quite annoying!)

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

I found a pic from last August which demonstrates the chameleon thing I'm talking about. It's frustrating, because I really want this Heuchera to be happy in this spot, but it's just not. The ones immediately behind it really struggle to even stay alive.

Thumbnail by Noreaster
Arnett, WV(Zone 5b)

This my Carmel. The leaves a as big as my hand.


Thumbnail by catbirdsue

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