May Orchids in 2009

Indianapolis, IN

I'll start.

I do grow more 'conventional' orchids, BTW. :-)
Here are some.

Masdevallia (panguiensis x uniflora)
Good color on this clone from this cross.

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia coccinea 'Bull's Blood', AM/AOS

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia coccinea 'Bull's Blood', AM/AOS - whole plant. It aborted a few othe spikes, not sure why.

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia Golden Bantam (Masd. Goldbug x Masd. Goldie)

Thumbnail by huiray
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ohhh, nice start of the month!! All three are beautiful!! That's a tall stalk on the coccinea.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

My Dendrobium aggregatum (lindleyi) surprised me a few days ago with a long spike. I could have sworn it wasn't there the day before. :-) The buds opened quickly.
Only one spike, but then this plant likes to flower a little better for me in Summer. We shall see.

This message was edited May 2, 2009 9:10 AM

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I should mention that the flowers are not quite that reddish. Here is a closer look.

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Epidendrum parkinsonianum
This is another one which does better outside, but here it is.

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

And coming closer -

Thumbnail by RUK
Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Ray........... I was SO tempted to buy a couple of Masdevallia at the last orchid show I attended, but held off this round. Next show, no holds barred.... they're beautiful.

Ursula........ stellar show, as always. The Den. is very pleasing. I think that I have enough Phal.s in my collection, but there's always room for more Dens. I love that they tend to send flowers two or more times a year.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I may have to look into Masdevallias myself. Very nice!

Ursula, love the epi. I only have the radicans and it is blooming but as it is 6 feet long, it is hanging so high in the pool cage that it is hard to get a good picture without a lot of hassle.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

My Dendrobium fimbriatum bloomed. Tell me if I'm repeating myself, okay?

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I also have Dendrobium thrysiflorum. Spectacular, but the flowers lasted about five minutes. Between the should'a and could'a, I missed a photo op of the blooms!

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Indianapolis, IN

FLStu & Jim, go for it! However, since you are in Florida, talk with growers at the shows about Masdevallias more suitable for warmer climates. Many beautiful hybrids and some species are warm-tolerant. [ I have also heard about people who live in hot places who have rigged up an old display chiller (the type you see in supermarkets or stores with glass doors holding cold cut, flowers, etc) or other similar unit to grow Masdevallias, Pleurothallids, cloud-forest mountain orchids etc. :-) ] I have various other Masdevallias which have been in-and-out of bloom over the last few months but I haven't been taking pics of them.

Ursula, nice. Two of my D. aggregatum plants are getting ready to open.

Maypop, please, show us more. D. thyrsiflorum flowers aren't that long-lasting, true...sorry you missed the open flowers from that nice plump spike but they can bloom progressively - any other spikes coming out?


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Laurel, I love the Dendrobium fimbriatum!

Raymond, looking forwards to see your aggregatums.

I am watching the Coelogyne pandurata which I picked up last year from Metropolitan Plant Exchange ( a very good general nursery around here). There is lots of "activity" in the basket....

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Just got back from Ecuador and the Galapagos. Great trip although it rained pretty much everyday in Ecuador. Saw lots of orchids but most were either just finishing blooming or just spiking. Most of those in bloom were minis...Stelis, Pleurothallids and Maxillarias. Here is a sampling from the first 200 pics I sorted (still have 900 more!). This is a Sobralia species...the blooms only last a few hours!

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I have no idea what genus this ones belongs too....the flowers were pollinated by hummingbirds

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

and a closer view

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

what is probably a Maxillaria of some species

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

A stump covered in Stelis, Pleurothallis, Platystele and Scaphosepalum

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

another stump...this one showing left to right, a Stelis, A Maxillaria with lovely foliage and a Pleurothallis (heart-shaped leaves)

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I'll finish this set with the most bizarre orchid...I think its a Zootrophion...looks like a bug!

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hi Todd!! Good to see you back from your travels!
I love the first installment here this morning - interesting and beautiful!! The Zootrophion ( the flower is open? ) shot is great!
I think the Maxillaria with the speckled leaves might be one I killed a while ago.... ( reichenheimiana or pseudoreichenheimiana?)
About the beautiful red spike - how about Elleanthus?

added to add question

This message was edited May 3, 2009 11:09 AM

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I think you are right about Elleanthus. And the Zootrophion is indeed open!

Indianapolis, IN

Elleanthus oliganthus

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome back, Todd. Beautiful pics and I'm looking forward to more.


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

This is Coelogyne pandurata
I had bought it last June, thinking I would probably divide the large plant. Well, I didn't divide it yet, but rather grew it on some more, and I am looking now at numerous spikes popping out. This is my last year's record of the plant.

Here is the plant today, still in its 16 inch basket. I removed most of the Sphagnum it was potted in. The bottom of the basket is almost non-existent, hence the netting to keep things contained.

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

The first spike is open today.

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Fancy ruffled Tuxedo shirts?

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

The lip on pandurata is just awesome, don't you think?

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

And another look at the plant from underneath the leaves

Thumbnail by RUK
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Healthy, happy and beautiful. Great plant Ursula.


Indianapolis, IN

What a wonderful plant. Looks very nice indeed! Four - five spikes?

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks! :-) I love it!!
That sounds about right, Raymond. There is also new growth on the other side of the basket, I see some promising bumps at the base.
And - I remember the flowers being somewhat fragrant in a smoky sort of way. Have to wait for a warmer, sunny day to sniff it.

Indianapolis, IN

Pulled out two Masdevallias today for pics.

Masdevallia Glaphyrantha.
Hard to capture the somewhat glowing shading rose-crimson of the lateral sepals. The dorsal sepal has a yellow background. There is a very fine pubescence which is also hard to capture.

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia Glaphyrantha, with flash, on black. Colors bleached but the pubescence is a little clearer.

This message was edited May 3, 2009 9:05 PM

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia infracta ('Cincinnati', AM/AOS x self) x Masdevallia Urubamba

This message was edited May 4, 2009 8:06 AM

Thumbnail by huiray
Indianapolis, IN

Masdevallia infracta ('Cincinnati', AM/AOS x self) x Masdevallia Urubamba.
With flash against matt grey, open.

This message was edited May 4, 2009 8:06 AM

Thumbnail by huiray
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi all! Got lost for a while. Went to a primula and daffodil show today at Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boyleston, MA and bought a bunch more primroses (sieboldii and auriculas). The orchids have slowed down but my shade garden is fab (primroses, trillium, pulmonaria, epimediums, native aguilegias,etc.! And some epis are in bloom. Been weeding a lot. Here's my coelogne ochracea with 2 spikes open. Looks like 2 more spikes are forming. The scent is heavenly. I am not a scentaholic but I seek this out daily.
Love the masdevallias (my warm growers are not happy), the Ecuadorian orchids, the Epidendrum parkinsonianum, and C. pandurata!!

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Big excitement today. Iris odaesanensis.

Thumbnail by boojum

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