Wauseon, OH(Zone 5a)

I would like to know where one could bu a very good Sourwood Tree? I got one last year from Nature Hill Nursery and it never got leaves on it, so far this year I see no buds on it yet, I can bend it and it will not brake so i take that it is still alive? Can anyone inform me about Nature Hill Nursery? Can anyone inform me if the tree has a good change to survive? I still do not know why it never got leaves on it last year, if anyone can explain why please feel free to do so?

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I know nothing about those trees as well, except they are beautiful. I have one in the ground and 2 in large pots and mine have not budded or leafed out yet either. I figure its too early or we both have dead trees, but they don't look dead...I am going to wait. These are supposed to be tough trees and there is no reason for mine to have died.

Lets give it another month and assume they are going to be beautiful then.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Is this the Nature Hill nursery you're talking about? I've definitely seen worse rated nurseries, but they're not stellar either so I'd probably order one from someplace with a better rating if yours doesn't make it (I wouldn't give up on it yet though--even here in zone 9 I never give up on anything until at least June)

There are 10 vendors listed in Plant Scout who carry it Companies have to have a good Watchdog rating in order to be allowed to advertise in Plant Scout so you're probably safe with any one of them. Since you've got a number of options, I'd probably choose whichever one has a climate that's the most similar to yours.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I've had no luck with sourwood despite numerous attempts.
The frustration is that it's supposed to be native to our region!
But after giving up for a few years, I bought another one this year.
This one came from Gossler Farms Nursery. I was very pleased with the size of the tree.
It's been in the ground exactly 1 month. I haven't killed it yet.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I have tried to grow sourwood also without success. They are large and prolific two counties away with some breathtaking specimens. But the environment is different...It likes the "red dirt" area of the state where longleaf pine and bracken fern are abundant. It has to have the right environment--not just the correct zone. I have given up and will enjoy it during weekend visits to its native area.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I bought my sourwood from Arbor day and it is thriving and had little flowers the first year when it was about five feet tall. It leafed out the first year and this year will be four years old.
It is just now getting leave on it and is late to leaf out as are my native sassafras tree that appeared on its own in the fence line.
It may need lots of sun. Mine is in clay soil and is in a very dry area of the yard. I didn't amend the soil or anything before placing it in the hole.

SE Mass, MA(Zone 6b)

I planted two Sourwood trees on the grounds of my elementary school. They are just now leafing out - this will be the 2nd year - they were small - maybe 3' tall - so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. They were both GORGEOUS in the fall - with that scarlett leaf!


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