Any growers in the Bahamas? With veggie recommendations?

Long Island, Bahamas(Zone 13a)

I am in Long Island, Bahamas, looking to buy seeds for next winter's veggie season. Anyone like to share info on what grows well for you? I am looking for variety in addition to the Peppers, Tomatoes and Eggplant that everyone else grows around me. Good results with leaf lettuce and Chard, but I would love to find a type of Summer Squash that would grow well, along with melons other than watermelons. Thanks in advance! Maybe it was because we had such a lack of rain this year, but Tomatillos went crazy! that was fun!

Keaau, HI

A good place to get seeds for Tropical vegetable gardening is:

Tavernier, FL(Zone 11)

I recently went to a meeting here in the Upper Keys for container gardening. The two speakers recommended Kitazawa Seed Company @, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company, @ andVictory Seed Company @

I placed an order with Kitazawa and received my seeds within a week. Unfortunately, I have not been able to plant yet, too many other tasks to do.

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