Kinda OT - GREAT item on the Co-op forum

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey, check this out....

A gift for the Gardener who has EVERYthing.....

Keaau, HI

Hey Carol, sounds more like the perfect thing for a gardener who has tried everything and has nothing left to lose!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

A friend on the Hoya forum reminded me that all of mine would be scarfed up by my dog!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL...I must have everything then, because I got one last year as a gift at the garden swap..the Manini was rewarded with the "zoo doo".

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Could someone post what it is? If you aren't a paid member you can't see it. Speaking of which, I've wondered if there is enough value to make paying worthwhile? I guess this is a tough question to answer honestly here, but perhaps I can get an idea. I don't usually join garden stuff from mainly the north where seasons and winter protection seem to be the main topic. So, more to the point, is it worthwhile for a tropical gardener to join?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a) is fertilizer compressed into animal put the "image" near the base of a my case it was from the zoo..

For me, joining has been the best move and one of the more influential part of my garden life. It's like a tool box, and the more you learn how to use the tools, the more you can build.
In my time here, the amount of knowledge I've learned probably cut years off of learning experience, and what I've learned on my own I give back via my diary/blogs. But wait!! that's not all.! .lol...
I've made the best, lasting friendships one could ask for. I've had DG folks visit as far away as the Marshall Islands, Invitation on plant collecting expeditions in Borneo and I've seen and stayed in private gardens in Hawaii who's beauty was only outshined by the gardeners themselves, been adopted by the loveliest couple in Dallas as "family" and have hosted anual plant swaps at my place 2 years in a row with DG members traveling from out of state.
Last, but not least all around my garden are plants from these various places and people to remind me daily of my good fortune here... worth it!

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Ditto on what RJ said; definately worth it; I've learned so much about gardening from this website and made lots of wonderful friends.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

and you were the verrrry first friend ! :)

Keaau, HI

It's not just fertilizer, it is a pile of poo (hope that's a nice way to say it).

Might be uncommon in an urban area, but where people raise animals, it's pretty easy to get, and cheap.

Certainly sculpted manure will cost more than that which you pick up by the truckload or in a bag!

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

You were my first DG friend too; thanks to that great rangoon picture you had in your blog. Do you remember? I dmailed asking for info. Then I burned my first rangoon putting too much fertilizer. LOL Live and learn . . . .

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes...then we started writing miles of discussions about everything!

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