What have you ordered for 2009 - Part7

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Geum perhaps, but a red one for sure. Patti

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Too funny, Bill

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Sherrie, it looks like a dahlia to me.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I'd say Dahlia Jo Ann

Thanks - DH wants color so I bought it with no tag. So now I will plant it in the sun.

Been watching this on ebay. Copy and paste this number in ebays search box.


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Under the category of 'Go Figure!', I have gaura returning for the first time - and in an area where I would not expect it!

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Great Victor, mine has been returning for the past 4 years. Luck I guess.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Deb. Even better - looks like I have some volunteers! I'll take them anytime.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

My perennial co-op plants just arrived and were unpacked on the deck. It will rain all night,they sure need it.
Really small poppies and clems. but for half price ?why not.

Jo - how many poppies would you like ? I am planning a poppy fence.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have plenty now
thanks Sherrie.
I also ordered some from Garden Cr. when it looked like I wasnt going to get the ones from the co-op.

I am now ordering rain for 2 more days. Housework has been put on the back burner for 2 months and is now slapping me upside the head.

Thomaston, CT

Yes----same here! But it's hard to wash windows in the rain!

Start with the inside windows! Dang another day of rain ordered now.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Mmmmm .... I just love the rain (until it's been too much and my veggie garden is in a fog of powdery mildew, that is!)

Just ordered some more stuff which should arrive very soon:

Asiatic Lily 'Tinos' ; Crocosmia 'Lucifer' ; Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' ; and Nelly Moser Clematis to replace one I lost and fill out the minimum purchase requirement from VanB.

Of course, the Nelly Moser is on Back Order, and they DON'T tell you until AFTER you pay.

No biggie. I will totally forget by then and be pleasantly surprised when they arrive APRIL 9, 2010.

Wonder where I will be able to pack all this stuff in! Oh yeah ... I picked up a Dahlia 'Arabian Night' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/89975/ too!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Window washing? Not on my list, but it should be. There is a big blob on my bedroom window thanks to what must have been a condor! Three floors up, so washing them is a major pain. I need a major rain storm to wash it away. Not pretty.

I spent the major part of the day outside in the drizzle planting lily bulbs with a very patient DH drilling away. Then I planted the last of my little stash of perennials and a few hundred onion sets. So late this afternoon, I treated myself to a trip down the road to get some more things at the farm! I actually took a list, but came home with only one thing on it. Not suprising I found a few other things instead.

I bought nothing major. I picked up a 4 pk of white scabiosa, a big pot of a maroon knautia, a couple of cardoons, a variegated low growing sedum, some more white impatience, an interesting red and white striped Pelargonium , plus some other annuals and a 6 pk of Lincoln peas for the veggie garden. I was happy to find those peas as we never got in our early veggies. I worked out side until past dark, so I can't even remember now what I bought at this point. I planted only the perennials, peas, cardoons and the impatience and will use the other annuals in containers which I will plant next week. But I am official caught up, but with dirty windows. I feel elated.

I do have calla, canna, glads, a few dahlias and caladiums to plant, but the ground is still very cool, so there is no point in putting them in yet. I am off to NYC in the morning and will be back on Sat with stops at both Avant and Sylvan's nurseries that are down near New Bedford on the way back. I am taking an empty suit case and packing tape just in case I find any thing interesting. Patti

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Willie, those first 3 plants you listed are ones I want.

Patti, I hope to see you one of these days. I hope to visit you, too, if I can ever get away. Need to take a week off sometime soon. Getting too stressed. I never have enough time to work in my gardens. Problem is when I take a week off I never know if we will get rain or not. It's a real bummer when that happens.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Have a wonderful trip, Patti, and I'm sure you'll find plenty that's interesting!!!!!


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

There is a big blob on my bedroom window thanks to what must have been a condor!

That's too funny, good thing I didn't have anything in mouth when I read that!

Safe trip!


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

windows do not get done here until the july 4th weekend and after the white pine yellow clouds have come and gone.

This message was edited May 28, 2009 9:13 AM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Good thinking, Bill, those pines make everything a mess.


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Wha, We also had a big pollen release this week, which melded nicely with the condor goo. I am assuming it was from the pitch pines, but maybe something else. No need to dust this week either. The cars where coved in yellow. Now matching the still blooming late narcissus. Mother nature is amazing.

It is raining lightly now which is great for my newly planted kids, but not raining hard enough to clean my soiled window. Off to catch a plan to Hyannis if it is open. No fog here at the moment, but the Cape could be socked in, though I just heard a plane fly over. If there is a lot of fog along the coast, I will find the closest nursery and sit it out until it lifts as I hate driving in fog, but I am sure I could plant shop just fine.

Have a good couple of days all. I will be back with a list of any buying that I just happen to do on this trip. Remember to spend what you can on plants to help the economy out. I was so tired last night that I ate a bowl of left over rice. No beans. DH was playing hockey late and would not want dinner when he got home. It was pretty good with sauteed onions and a spicy sauce. That meal saved me enough to buy at least another 6pk. Patti

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Too funny!!! Condor goo, yellow dust matching nicely with Mother Nature, waiting out the fog in a nursery. I am sure you will have a dilly of a time. Enjoy and safe trip.



Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Just went there and they are gone.
Thanks for the headsup

Thomaston, CT

Laughing at Patti's condor----we do have a condor in our area----his name is Veedor, & his owner was part of the Calif. condor restoration, although Veedor comes from the Andes---he catches raw eggs when thrown to him, & he demolishes cardboard boxes! John, his owner, was letting him fly around at Sharon Audubon, & told the crowd he tends to land on tall folks---my DH ducked! Sounds like a fun trip, Patti---am trying to get to Ward's Nursery in Great Barrington----maybe today, since the weather is crummy!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

What a laugh Marilyn
We are having crummy weather too. Over 1 inch of rain since last nite and the skies just opened up again.Lots of flooding
Poor woman across the street is trying to have a garage sale.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Everyone - just leave the windows dirty and when you feel guilty about it.. just remind yourself you are helping prevent a bird from crashing into it. That's what I do! : ) lol
Although we still have bird crashes any way. The evidence is similar to Patti's condor goo.
I must admit I do occasionally Windex of the millions of tiny fingerprints my little ones leave all over the inside of them.
I am still ordering things myself. I almost placed an order with Noreaster when I saw they had Keith's Delight. I think they are the only place that you can order it from on the web.
I had just placed a small order with J&P so I couldn't bring myself to do it. I ordered a English Rose - Christopher Marlowe and a Floribunda Mardi Gras. They are both own root roses and I didn't see them available anywhere else.
My b-day is soon and my DH wanted to have me pick out a tree. So we ended up getting some kind of weeping spruce (I think)have to double check the tag. Also bought a rose at HD that is labeled Tournament of Roses. This one looks very coral pink to me and all the pictures of it in PF look more true pink. I wonder if it is actually what it is supposed to be. I saw that it's patent had recently expired.I remember somewhere someone mentioning HD was only selling expired patented roses. Weird
I also found a Sienna Sunset Coreopsis at a local place - I split it into two plants but I wish I had bought more. Although I actually have no idea what it looks like. I've only seen the pics on the adds for it. Hopefully it's as cute as I want it to be. : )

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

love that theory! ... I have to remove doggie art!!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

removing cat noseprints here!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I went to the link too - but they are having a half off sale through the weekend on everything on the site!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

It might have been Sherries news letter from Bluston an it had a code number we didnt get.

I think they messed up as they changed that page.

Thumbnail by
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)


The advertisement was on the right side of this page and I clicked on it and thats what I saw. I took that picture about 4 mins before I posted the link.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Did you go to the link and try to place an order?

Thomaston, CT

I did get to Ward's yest. & was somewhat disappointed in the perennials---few to choose from, & some not in good shape---also, there was a large display in the middle of the property that had WFF written all over it, plus the plants were in WFF pots----did J & P buy Ward's out as well? It would seem so, as most of the roses were J&Ps----anyway, I did get 3 upright fuchsias for fillers, a candleabra primrose, 2 bright pink salvias, a plum astrantia, a neon pink million bells, & a few pots of bronze-leaved nasturtiums for the veggie garden--here they are in the dank weather!

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG

No Jo - I dont have an account there.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Robindog WFF sells to many independent nurseries, what are called in the book industry , "Dumps". Their plants are sold with the agreement that they are to be kept in a provided display area with WFF signage. You pay a bit extra for all that branding, I think.
I think proven winners does some of that too. Patti

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