What about GOPHERS, and Pocket GOPHERS?????

Catalina, AZ

Anyone ever come up with some awesome way to eradicate them!!!!! LOL

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

If you've got them, you'll probably always have them. All you can do is cut down the numbers and make it uncomfortable for them. I use gas bombs in active holes or the Black Hole traps. They are just a pest we have to live with here.

Also, plant anything you care about in a wire basket - that's a really positive step. Another DGer that lives nearby convinced me it was the best thing to do. They still try to get the plants, but the wire stops them. Now, if I could just find something to stop the rabbits and squirrels from eating everything above ground!

Good luck.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I have an exterminator who comes out and takes care of them for me. I have also had good luck with wire baskets--they protect the plants between when the gophers arrive and when the exterminator can make it out here.

I tried pretty much every other gopher remedy before I resorted to the wire baskets & the exterminator, and none of them worked. I bought the vibrating thingy, and it almost seemed to attract them. I flooded their tunnels and they came back for more. I planted castor beans and they left them alone, but ate the plant right next to them. I sprayed my garden with so much castor oil it's amazing my plants survived, and it didn't deter them at all.

I expect the traps and gas bombs would work too, but I am not confident in my ability to use them properly, so I prefer the exterminator.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I would prefer the exterminator, too, Liz, but don't have the $$. Heaven knows what they would charge for 1-1/4 acres! The gas bombs were cheaper by the case online. :-)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I can believe that--I only have 1/5 of an acre (and the gophers are typically only in one half of that area), so I don't have to worry about them charging extra for the size of the yard. I end up typically having to pay them to come out twice during the year--they have a 30 day guarantee on the job, and typically within that 30 days I'll have another gopher wander in so they come back and take care of it for free. So they'll usually come out 4 times between April-July, but I only end up paying twice so it's not too bad. I think if I had a large area though I'd probably figure out how to take care of them myself though.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

The problem is keeping up with it. If you let down your guard, you're right back where you started from. We also have ground squirrels and rabbits digging holes.

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