Searching for seeds of Spathodea 'aurea"

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Would anyone know where I may be able to source seeds of this tree...please don't tell me that it is a pest species..I know all about it's more familiar(dare I say it) beautiful orange/scarlet form being a coastal pest but here where I live a couple of hours inland from Bris that would never be the case(too dry).I am happy to pay or trade for seeds.Cheers

Keaau, HI

If that is the yellow form (called 'Kona Gold' here) of Spathodea campanulata, you may not want seeds.
It is considered to not come true from seed. Better to get root suckers, air layers, or stem cuttings from existing plants.

Aloha, Dave

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thanks for your input Dave, it is appreciated.I will have to turn my attention then to cuttings or root suckers but would still like to give seeds a try...Do you know for sure that the Aurea does produce seeds...I just assumed it did.Cheers

Keaau, HI

Hi Brical, the yellow cultivar sets seed in a favorable environment but may or may not produce the same cultivar. Asexual propagation will ensure that you get the desired variety.

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