Do Iris grow well in Montana?

Catalina, AZ

I have some Iris I would like to send to a friend of mine. She lives in Missoula, MT. I don't really know too much about growing Iris in that area. If you have any information I would like to know! Thank you.....

Thumbnail by dvsdutch54
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

They do, but I don't know the details. I do know of at least one DG member who grows iris in Montana. She had trouble with them for a while until she learned that the rhizome should stick out of the soil a little for sun light. Now hers are doing better. Probably there are some cultivars that don't like the deep cold of Montana winters.
One iris forum regular is Mainecoon who lives in Montana. I believe she actually has ( or once had) a business selling iris on ebay. She would definitely know what grows there and what doesn't. Check out her info and possibly send her a dmail.

Lebanon, OR

All I can add is they must grow since many are shipped to MT...I know it is windy in the areas and they stake the TB.. Are the ones you sending TB or medians (under 27 1/2")


Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Missoula is actually pretty cool since it is in a valley between mountain, beautiful there and I would think depending on her soil she should be able to do fine. The problem would be going from a week of winter to nearly 6 months of winter like in every garden some will make it some won't.

Have her contact Cindy Davis the president of the local society right in Missoula

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Welcome and yes they do. I grow Tall bearded mostly but have a cpe smaller and one Siberian. The only problem I would see is sending them from such a warm climate to a cold one. Often those don't make it as are not aclimatized. If purchased or a gist from a northern nursery or gardener the chances of survival are better but you can only try to se for sure as some will fool you. Please do send your friend a few and see how they do and let us know.

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