Seed ID please

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, from a road trip I had these in my pocket and brought them home and put them in one baggie. (This was a couple of years ago and I have memory loss.) One looks like it could be Rose of Sharon, maybe (?) - the fuzzy edged smaller ones.

And if I'm not mistaken the larger ones might be off some sort of tree (apparently I was 'smart' and didn't keep the pod they were in, but I want to say they were in some sort of bean like pod).

Any ideas?

(I may be posted a couple more pics of other seeds I grabbed and brought home, before I was smart enough to bring something to carry seeds in and LABEL THEM!)

Thumbnail by Cajun2
Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

The big ones could be seeds of broom (Cytisus scoparius). They are in a bean like pod. The seeds must be a bit shiny.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I think that may be highly likely. I remember seeing something unusual and saw it had seeds and HAD TO HAVE THEM!

The others I'm fairly certain are SOME kind of Hibiscus - guess I'll just have to grow them to find out!

Just better give the others some room!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

The fuzzy ones look like lavatera. Hibiscus seeds are usually round with a rough coat.


Pawleys Island, SC

The "bean looking" seeds also look similar to mimosa tree seeds imho. The fuzzy ones definitely look like a hollyhock, or hibiscus of some type.

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

The fuzzy looks like Rose of Sharon to me.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Well I tell you what.... I'm going to start some in a controlled environment and keep you posted - well IF you're interested! LOL

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Cajun, you are too funny! I do that all the time, put seeds in my purse and later goes...what seeds did I collected???

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

You should have seen me on a trip to a garden center with my ex-MIL. SHE was the one who got me started. OMG we can home laughin our hineys off! We started emptying our pockets and finally just had to give up! LOL She raked the entire lot of them into a bucket she had for such occasions! HA! It was hysterical! Like old ladies who used to have a 'button tin'

She'd always said 'ah well, one day when I'm bored I'll go find an inconspicuous spot in the garden and toss in a handful and see what comes up!'


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

The big ones look like mimosa to me.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree, looks like mimosa ( I have a tree) and rose of sharon ( I have three of those) and I like your ex-mil she and I woulld get along great as I tend to grab, stuff in a pocket , or pull up a plant , forget what I got, find it later, and throw it in a spot I am bored with.. I liked this :

She'd always said 'ah well, one day when I'm bored I'll go find an inconspicuous spot in the garden and toss in a handful and see what comes up!'

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I will guarantee with 100% certainty that those are NOT Mimosa, as I grew up climbing one and we used to play with the seeds all the time. I PROMISE you I would NOT have gathered seeds for it! LOL Don't want it, wouldn't have it, and definitely wouldn't have snagged seeds for it. ;-))

Glad you liked that, Joe's Wife! It always made me laugh....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

there is a tree with pods that throw off seeds like that, a member of the cassia family, can't put my finger on it, but the flowers are gorgeous..

Pawleys Island, SC

Hoe about the possibility of a red bud tree?

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

joeswife, i think you might be onto something. that sounds like me... i LOVE any kind of cassia so highly possible.

ibartoo - i've got some redbud tree seeds. i'll compare them and let you know. thanks!

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