Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Looking for yellow (my first choice) or other color heirloom patty pan squash seeds. (I have the white) I only need 10 seeds of each color, or whatever you are able to send.

I can send SASBE or I most happily would send a list of seeds that I could send to you in trade. I have mostly flower seeds, but if there is something in particular you are looking for, I could look through my newer seeds to see if it is a variety that I have purchased for this year's garden. Thanks.

This message was edited Apr 28, 2009 3:07 PM

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I think I have some yellow left from planting (tons of white) - I did not know there were other colors? I will dig through my seeds and get back to you.

Dana : )

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I do have more than enough yellow to send - you only want 10 seeds?

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, how I would appreciate it! If you have many, I would try maybe 15? just to give me some insurance? I had seen a green color too, I think, along with yellow and white. The yellow would be just fantastic!

Would you like me to send you my list for trade? My trade list is out of date, unfortunately. I need to update that on a rainy day.

Or are you looking just for the SASBE? I am happy either way. Or are you looking for something in particular yourself that maybe I would have by chance?

Thank you so much. I will wait to hear, either to post or via dmail. This is great!

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)


If you do not mind sending me your list for trade. If you come across some of the green - I would love to try some also- If you have extra! I will send you 15 seeds - that is not a problem and if you need more white - let me know! ; ) I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!!

Dana ; )

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I just saw your other post and I have some radish seeds I can send also.

Here is a mix seed radish bag I have - it includes:

Early Scarlet Globe, Cherry Belle, Champion, Sparkler, French Breakfast, White Icicle, Giant White Globe, and China Rose. At least 200 seeds.

I also have single varieties on my have list.

I also have Paris White Cos Romaine Head Lettuce. - 1000 seeds

Just let me know

This message was edited Apr 29, 2009 10:56 AM

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