Curious about potatoes

Abington, PA(Zone 6b)

I've bought some potatoes to plant. I've asked 4 different people about the correct way to plant them and gotten 4 different responses. Can y'all tell me how you plant yours? You know, the whens, wheres and hows. Thanks!

Never done a potato. I would say - eyes up.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I just got my seed potato order in from the Maine Potato Lady. The instructions she sends say to plant out only when the ground temperture is between 50 and 70 degrees for 2 weeks. She recommends letting the potatoes sprout eyes in a medium lighted room beofre you plant them. She says you can cut potatoes into pieces to plant if they are bigger than a hen's egg. She recommends hilling - piling up the dirt three times over the green leaves as they grow. The only potatoes I have ever grown before were in the compost pile. :)

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I did mine in a container last year - half compost and half potting soil, started with a garbage can 1/3 full and as they grew, added more of the soil mixture until it was full. Then when the leaves turned yellow, dumped them out and had some great potatoes. I'm doing the same this year.

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