Finding the right grass mixture.

Sanford, MI

My lawn is in bad shape and I'm laying new topsoil and basically starting over. Would like to know what mixture works best in my area. I have lots of shade and don't have the capabilities to water a whole lot. I live in Sanford Mi. and it's in zone 5. Any comments would be welcomed.

Thanks a lot,

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a link that might give you some help. You would be surprised at how you can bring a crappy lawn back with just turf builder and other chemicals. If you are down to dirt though I'd do what you're doing and bring in some fresh soil and seed.

The main thing with seeding is keeping the seed wet till it germinates. Be sure to read the directions on the seed. Some seeds need the soil to be a certain temperature to germinate. There is a sticky straw type material you can cover your seed with till the grass comes up. If the seed dries out at all that's it. It won't come up.

Good luck!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Bill where are you talking about the back side burm? the front looked good last year you should come see mine I'm taking a big chunk out of the front and making flower beds I'm tierd of fighting the creeping charlie and now some kind of matty looking stuff so out it goes don't get me started on the back all that work last year and half of it is dead now
let me know when your getting your grass seed I think I'll need 30-40 lbs maybe we can get a family discount
love ya

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

we always use a rye grass mix

Sanford, MI

Thanks for the web site. Like to know if anyone has used eco-lawn seed.
It looks great. Had my soil tested and know what I have to add. MSU really does an acurate test.
Thanks again, gardenerbill

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Bill where did you take your sample ???

Sanford, MI

The front,back and side are all bad. Sat. we relandscaped the flower bed that had all the hostas in it. We bought a sugar tyme crabapple tree and made the bed bigger. We put the tree in the middle of the bed. They get 15ft. tall, but I'm going to keep it shorter. You'll have to come over and see it. We redid the rail out front, tore it out and moved it over by the woods. That made a big differance. Got three more big beds to do in front
I took the sample from all over the yard. The way your should do it is, take about 15 samples all over the yard, mix them up in a pale and fill a baggie with the sample. I took it to the county bldg. to the MSU ext. office. It cost $13 to have it sent MSU and they send you a print out of what your soil is lacking. Also comments on things you can do to make the soil better. It is worth the $13. Make sure that the soil is dry.

Happy Gardening,

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Bill will have to do that but yesterday I tilled up a BIG chunk of the front yard my moto if grass won't grow make a flower bed out of it Ens did most of the tilling so I have to finish it to day lots of stuff coming I just NEED one more bed out front for this year for hostas I had to promise it wouldent be as big boooo

Sanford, MI

Does anyone have experience with landscaping berms? I have a large berm at the end of my house and it's washing away. Can't seem to grow grass there anymore. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, gardenerbill

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