Ocelot mistake, my bad!!!

Kansas City, MO

Last year I had Ocelot bloom for the first time. I also had another clump bloom that looked like Ocelot but was supposed to be another cultivar of a totally different color. I moved both of them, naming both of them Ocelot. I should have identified the mystery one with a question mark next to it but failed to do that in my rush to label as I moved them.This year one clump shows some of the purple tinting at the base of the leaves as they rise from the rhizome. The other one shows no purple tinting on the leave base. Which one is the real Ocelot???

So, I need an Ocelot owner to take a careful peek at your clump and tell me what you see.

It would help me very much,
Also, if you ladies are spending the hours weeding that I am I will be waiting patiently for your kind answer,


Cincinnati, OH

My clump of "Ocelot" has no hint of purple at the base of the fans, unlike its next door neighbor "Liason" where the puple is pronounced. Hope that helps.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

No purple based leaves on my Ocelot. They are definitely green.


Thumbnail by Mshadow
Kansas City, MO

Well, that solves my problem. I will not be doing that anymore. Thank you ladies for the quick answer.

This forum can help with allll kinds of things.

Thanks again,


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