difference between dogwood seedlings?

Galien, MI

I put some Cornellian cherry dogwood seeds in a container near some white flowering dogwood seeds. I put a clear divider between them, but I think rodents moved it. Some are starting to sprout. Is there a clear way of telling the difference between these two seedlings?


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Not having grown them side by side, I don't know if this would be a hard and fast rule.

Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) seems to always have greenish stems on new growth for me. This may make it easy to separate them while they are young and growing. Once they go dormant, you should be able to tell them apart since their dormant buds are quite different.

Without having grown these on purpose as seedlings, I think their characteristics and growth rates will be different enough that you shouldn't have any trouble knowing which is which.

Finally: post pictures of the action! It may be very easy for others here to see the pics and tell you what you need to know. And then - you can add the images to PlantFiles for others to benefit from your efforts.

Galien, MI

That gives me something to focus on, thanks. I've just seen the full grown versions, so this will be a first for me. I'll try to post pictures later. :-)

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