indian date palm

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

does anyone know anything about an indian date palm ( with exsperience with this palm) please help hehe will he live in zone 8b? thanks OH! and will palmettos survive if i pluck them out of the sand at the beach(babies)? thanxx again

Thumbnail by ArchAngeL01
Keaau, HI

If you are meaning Phoenix sylvestris, the Indian Sugar Date Palm or Khajuri, yes.

It is a hardy Date Palm that will grow in tropical and temperate areas. It likes to be in a sunny position in well drained soil.

Removing wild Palmetto palms can be successful if you are mindful of the roots. In many States it is illegal to remove coastal vegetation, especially if it's native.
Be careful of your local laws, don't get in legal trouble to make your garden nice!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

its not pheonix sylvestris (although i do have that one too lol ) its pheonix rupicola ,hope you can help!! oh LOL heheeh the palmettos are not really on the beach there in the driveway at the beach and i wanted to save them because there getting run over lol thnxx in advanced

Keaau, HI

Phoenix rupicola needs at least sub-tropical conditions. It may do okay if you can give it some winter protection from cold. It does tolerate a lot of shade.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

okay thanxx ,do you know anything about the european fan palm var 'ceflera'blue form? thnxx again

Keaau, HI

Chamaerops humilis, the European Fan Palm, is best suited for temperate areas, and is very hardy.

The blue form does grow here, as other varieties, but the species will likely do better in your garden than here in the sub-tropics. I grow a green variety which does alright.

Chamaerops is probably a palm that will grow better than most other palms in your area!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

okay thank you so much for your help ! hey do you have majesty palms their? i was curious hehe what kinds do you have

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Interesting thread although I don't know any of the palms you guys are talking about - LOL! Got to look them up. Are you in a sub tropic zone Dave, being at such a high altitude?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

haha im krazzy for palm trees i love them all esp the unusual varieties and the blue/white ones

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I haven't seen any blue-ish palms here in Kihei - are they generally more cold tolerant types? Lots of coconut plams everywhere though, and they are really pretty when the trade winds blow through their fronds. We do have to have the darned things trimmed about three times a year to save being clonked on the head from falling coconuts which can be very dangerous. ^_^

Keaau, HI

You're very welcome!

I grow a lot of palms; around a hundred species. I have Phoenix rupicola and a couple other Date Palms. I have concentrated on Madagascar and Island Palms, especially those which are endangered species.

I hope to eventually provide seeds / starts of endangered palms.

Here is Ravenea rivularis, the Majesty Palm. It needs a lots of water to do well. I grow them in a drainage area that is very wet. It rains 200 inches per year here.

Aloha, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

I'm in Zone 10b Jenn!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

that is so kool!! i know those majesties will die if i let them dry out it took me a while to figure that out lol ,but now i have a huge 15 foot majesty in my house (we have the cathedral ceilings lol) do you happen to have the pic of the rupicola? hehe whats the rarest one you have?

Keaau, HI

I'll take a photo of P. rupicola in the morning.

Below is my rarest palm, Marojejya darianii. It was just discovered in Madacascar in 1983, on the verge of extinction.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

thank you so much ,i cant wait too see it ,your really nice

Keaau, HI

My plants aren't very large yet, but here is:

Phoenix rupicola.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

wow it looks just like mine same size and everything beutifull ,is it in deep shade?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Dave, do you have anymore Ravenea rivularis, Majesty Palm pictures?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

wow i had no idea i was talking to dave ,was i really? hahaha

Keaau, HI

Hi Randy, I don't have very large plants, but I'll post another photo tomorrow. There are a few other species of Ravenea in my garden as well.

ArchAngel, I may not be the Dave you are thinking of!

Aloha, Dave

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure which species I have, it's fairly small too

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Keaau, HI

Hey Randy, that sure looks like a young Ravenea rivularis. All the species (15 in Madagascar; 2 in the Comoros Islands) are very similar when they are young. They have the widest range of habitats of most any palm, growing in arid deserts and directly in running streams. The Majesty Palm grows stream-side in it's natural habitat; it is the most cultivated Ravenea. All Ravenea species are rare or endangered.
I'll get a few photos, as soon as it stops raining.

ArchAngel, I grow most Palms in the open, including Phoenix rupicola, but it is cloudy here most of the time.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Dave, I have two of them.
Yes I read about the water loving palms..I have a friend who has a larger one in the middle of his pond.
This palm is sold in places like Ikea because they look great when they're younger but are very poor container plants and end up kicking the bucket.

Keaau, HI

Yes the Majesty Palm likes some room, it should be placed in the ground as young as possible.

One of it's traits is the middle of the trunk gets swollen as it matures.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I saw that in your picture, which is what intrigued me..I hadn't seen one that particular size. It will have to fight for room though, just like the Tree fern. That has a huge span.
How old is that tree? Mine have been in the ground for a year now. When it gets the size of that one in the picture, it's going to look very cool!

This message was edited Apr 23, 2009 2:50 PM

Keaau, HI

This is Ravenea sambiranensis, it's natural habitat is littoral mesic forest to dry montane forest.

Note the mottling on the mid-rib of the fronds; it is called "ramenta", which are thin elongate scales with ragged edges.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

oh yeah, that's very interesting. I saw a lot of different palms over at Bob & Carols.
How many years does it take to grow to the height in the previous pictures?

You know that BOP we were talking about earlier. That growth, hasn't gotten any bigger..just sort of stopped. It's still recovering from the Hurricane

Keaau, HI

That Majesty Palm is about 12 years old; it should be a bit larger but lived in three pots (small to large) early in life.

Here is Ravenea glauca, it's natural habitat is dry forest. I grow it high in a well drained area. This species is known to flower when it is still small, but it is slow growing.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That is interesting how wide the range is for habitat.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Hey ,sorry i missed that chat:( i wish i could have ben involded , That majesty is awesome , mines 14 feet tall but has no true trunk yet ,do you know how long it takes too form a true trunk on the majesty? ,do you think its true that palms grow more fronds when thier rootbound due too focus on root growth instead of foliage? oh lol funny about dave hehehe

Keaau, HI

Many palms don't mind being in pots, but palms that like to get large will often be crippled in a pot.

Seems a bit long for your Majesty Palm to not be showing a trunk.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

the majesty grows plenty of fronds but the trunk stays the same

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)


Keaau, HI

Hi ArchAngel, are any of the fronds dying?

When the frond + crownshaft expires, it falls away from the plant, exposing the trunk.

Any pictures?

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

actually it has boots on it ,they arent falling off yet but they are still green ,i suppose they will fall off when they turn brown,i could take pics but its dark ,i'll go see if it'll show up brb!!!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

TOO BAD IT'S TOO DARK out their ,if you want i'll get pixx tomorrow,

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