Who is looking for native plants???

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

If you are looking for native woodlands..let me know...I might be able to help!! What are you looking for???

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Any and all kinds that will grow in my zone 6a that are not invasive.

Craryville, NY

I am looking for AGrimony....any info and ideas would help...

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

morrigan...what species?

Dexter, ME

I am looking for everything what do you have your way.I would like to find -white dog tooth,yellow lady slipper,cohosh,and bloodroot,and elderberry,and more greendragon,jack in the pulpit,wild ginger,dutchman breeches,shooting star,mayapple sol seal,self heal.trillium

This message was edited Apr 23, 2009 6:38 PM

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I have these from your list for sure:
green dragon
jack in the pulpit
wild ginger
dutchman breeches..maybe
shooting star...pretty sure
sol seal
self heal
trillium.. pretty sure

Dexter, ME

what things are you looking for?

Downingtown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Deb,

If you're just looking for good homes for some misplaced natives, I'd be happy to make a home for any of those in my woodland area. About the only thing I have to trade is Garlic Mustard (kidding).. Honestly, I'm still trying to get my plants to spread but I could separate out some Jacobs Cline Monarda, some hostas, lots of vinca minor and lirope. Let me know, I'll happily pay shipping


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I have a trade list on here

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Really old irises and newer irises, too

Dexter, ME

I have a cpl irises,but not many just starting out

Craryville, NY

Hey - I don't know the botanical name, Agrimony is the common name....I will try to find the Latin for you....

Craryville, NY

Okay, the American vareity of agrimony is Agrimonia gryposepale. The European species is A. eupatoria. Thnks!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I need to quit most of my trading for the summer (starting the 15th of this month)as I have to leave occasionally to mow at the new house we built to retire to. 7 hrs away. I will also be beginning to landscape there. I don't want hubby to worry about plants that come in when he is home alone. Besides...he waters iris rhizomes...at least he tries!! Spring plants will be gone by then.
The only plants I will be trading are ones for what I need on my want list.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm looking for Asclepias Variegata seeds but can't find a source for them. I have one plant, but am not sure it will even bloom this year. I'd like to have a grouping of these.

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