iris cottage...who are they now???

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

What names is she going under now for Ebay??? Read the one below that is finding out about the stiff. Her purchases from last year are blooming....WRONG!!! far!! Guess those of us that bought from her last year know what to expect when ours bloom!

Lebanon, OR

She came on under the country garden but now can not find anything on either.


Cincinnati, OH

I bought one iris from them once - that was enough. The thing is getting ready to bloom for the first time right now, heaven knows what it is! The name was made up, the picture of a SD not a tall. They were not fresh. I do appreciate the lesson. Now I only buy from a few tried and true and I look everything up first before I bid or even buy from a catalogue. I want to see several pictures if possible (Does it really look like that!). This one will probably end up on the trash heap. It is amazing that only a few people have put in negative feedback! I guess by the time it blooms its too late. Under whatever name they always offer two and offer "fresh" when it is not the right season.

Lebanon, OR

Just try to let people know there are truly honest and accurate sellers on ebay.


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Can't put in neg. feedback. By the time people know what they have gotten, the feedback for the seller can no longer be accessed...too much time has passed!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Ooooops!!! This seller is displaying the same picture for Seafarer as iris cottage used last year!!

Cincinnati, OH

Yes there are great sellers on ebay. Many of my best plants have come from there. Tntigger, raggsnriches, Kimmee72, greenrivr to name a few. It is very entertaining to bid for something. Too bad this one rotten apple keeps popping up. Unfortunately it makes me hesitant to try anyone new.

South Hamilton, MA

Let's not deal with her. I've never bought anything on e-bay, although the computer is only on its 2nd yr.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

So, the-country-garden you belive is the one that sold you the wrong iris? I just want to make sure I do not buy from there and I can tell others to watch out. I am just asking b/c those of us that are new (like me) would like and treasure the info. When you have your mind set on an iris - you hunt for it, buy it, it better bloom that!

Raleigh, NC

all of you! there's a truly MARVELOUS tool to help you find irises.

go to on the internet. That's the American Iris Society website. from there you will find information on such diverse iris groups as the Historical Iris Preservation Society (they have a nice sale, too) all the way to the Japanese Iris Society.

on the links section, they have links to all the groups that advertize with them in their publication the AIS Bulletin who sell irises. Dee is in there, I believe, and so are many great hybridizers's gardens.

these may not be the cheapest vendors - they are some of the very best. nor will you ever be overcharged, like I've seen many less reputable folks do (how do those people manage to sell an iris worth $5 for $10??). these are reputable people who, if your iris blooms wrong, will give you a refund or a new plant and their apologies. no question.

and if you ever have a question about getting a good ebay seller, folks on here like irisloverdee will give you some of the better names.

Winnsboro, TX

I wish someone would email me and tell me who this person is. I've been stiffed so many times on the internet buying plants it's unreal. I guess the most has been with daylilies and brugmansia plants. It's good to be in the know regarding these people.
Thanks in advance, and happy gardening, Marian

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