What a disappointment - Not Starship Enterprise!!!

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

I purchased this one last year on eBay. It's certainly isn't what it was supposed to be. I thought I was going to get Starship Enterprise. Boy am I disappointed!

Anyway, does anyone have any idea what the name of this "probably historic" iris is?!!!

Thumbnail by cathysplants
Lebanon, OR

That is why I stay away from Ebay as there is too many people out there that seem to think you can say it is one thing and it IS NOT.

There are several ebayers I do trust. Big time. One is TN-Tigger, buggycrazy, green thumbs galore, iris siters, irishem, jem300, the iris fan, turtle jim are amount some of the most honest I have done business with

Sorry Cathy you had this happen, contact the seller and just see what he/she says


Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

I just sent a request for a refund along with a note to them that I am hoping that this was just a fluke accident and that the other 4 that I purchased will turn out to be true to name.

Lebanon, OR

hope you hear from them, please keep me posted


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

It looks like Eleanor Roosevelt.

A few others on Ebay that you can trust tntigger, Raggsnriches, gardenwitch58, countrydelights, Stoutgardens, hisiris(Headrick the hybridizer), if you ever want to know before you bid just ask one of us, I buy some here and there if I find one I like, oh and dip r den.

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

I second Cats guess, "Eleanor Roosevelt".

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

So TN-Tigger a thumbs up for them on being honest?

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Absolutely, she is a member here at Dave's, wonderful lady to chat with.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, she is? I will have to email her through ebay and get her ID. I bought irises from her for the first time this year - I can not wait to get them!! She has a wonderful collection!!

Dana ; )

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Go to the community link here and type in tntigger.

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you 1913cat,

It looks like tntigger is quicker on the draw! LOL She just d-mailed me! : ) I am really happy about this b/c now I know I can get ahold of her and share all my pics of the irises I am getting form her. And of course I can buy more! ; )

I am always careful on eBay - I read all feedback and approach slowly, b/c you never know. I understand things happen, but there are people out there that just want to make a buck and do not care what or how they sale. It makes it so difficult for us honest people!


If you do not hear from the seller and you paid with Paypal - write a complaint to them. I know this happened last year, but how knows maybe they can get them to do something. There should be a clause to allow more time to collect money back on plants - like irises. You never know what you have until they bloom - which like this could be a year later

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

The eBay seller I purchased from last year was using the name the-iris-cottage. Now though, I think they are still in operation using a different name. I don't want to post the current name until I get confirmation from eBay that it really is the same person.

I will do a live chat with eBay tonight to see if they will help.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2009 9:02 AM

Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)

I will keep my fingers crossed!! Ebay is so big on customer first - they better do something!

Lebanon, OR

They did notthing even with proof big time proof of hijacked photo's from two different growers that she used their photos

Also did nothing when shown that the listing were not even registered, just made up names and told people they were registered.


Fredericksburg, TX(Zone 8a)


That happened on ebay?

If so, that ticks me off. They put sellers through hell! Long lectures on not stealing photos,honest discription, high fees and how they side on claims, etc. Then to go and do nothing when there is proof of fraud. It makes no sense!

That is why I shut my store down there - you had to charge so much for the product to counter their fees and then paypal fees, listing fees, store fees. Oh, then they decided they would not promote your store in the searches. Then to sit on their butt when they have proof of seller fraud! I guess it is easier to just collect money and not care.

Sorry for my ranting - I just am annoyed with them! ; )

Lebanon, OR

This is why I no longer sell on ebay anything. I do not like them at all anymore.


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I used to sell on there, but the last time by the time they took their fees out, I got practically nothing!!

Lebanon, OR

8.75% of selling price if under 24.99 you can not make money that way.


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

I have heard some not so nice things about alot of sellers on Ebay !!!!! I only stick with ones I know and trust, and the only way to do that is take risks, but keep records of who you buy from, I do that now, most of the iris I get are from reputable sellers, such as Dee, Mid America, and of course tntigger.

Cathysplants, if you are a member of the HIPS Society, you can post your picture on the community forum and they may be able to help you, but the only way is to buy similar and compare.

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)


She explained that other people were working in the fields helping to dig the irises which contributed to the mistake in my not getting Starship Enterprise.

Also that her name which had been the-iris-cottage was very similar to another seller's name on eBay which was theiriscottage, and she changed her name on eBay to avoid confusion since she was getting calls that belonged to this other seller.

I can see how it could happen, so I wanted to be sure to update this thread and let everyone know that I was refunded.


South Hamilton, MA

Glad that you got the refund. Diggers should always be supervised until they are trained. Get St. Ship E. from a reputable dealer--there is time for next yrs. plants.

Philadelphia, PA

I wish there could be a sticky about e-bay sellers. I found this discussion too late.
I have already paid (paypal) for an order from the-country-garden.
Even worse, I was sent dutch iris from a Boise Idaho seller.

Anyone know about gardeningjudy728??? I might be able to cancel that order. I hate to be burned three times.
Gardeningjudy is from Richmond, Mo.

thanks (i tried searches and reading thru the other discussions but might have missed it.)

Raleigh, NC

Ebay is all about saving a little money, or finding a hard to find item. the prices on ebay, the selection and the shipping costs - - there are no iris bargains on there! why would anyone but the un-informed buy there? most of their prices there are VERY HIGH (with shipping).

It's too easy to get great prices from folks like Snowpeak Iris or Wildwood Gardens, the smallers growers that have websites. too easy to get discounts from the bigger growers. too easy to Google "iris plants for sale" and go beyond the junk that Springhill offers. In fact, it's easy to enter

www.irises.org and look under their other links for the most reputable smaller commercial vendors.

Unfortunately, Cathysplants - you should ONLY by Starship Enterprise from a VERY reputable dealer. it's one of those super popular irises which has so many fakes on the market, almost more fakes than the real macoy. you did'nt even get that, a ripoff fake! you got a very very cheap, very very common historic.

South Hamilton, MA

S.Enterprise has a very distinctive pattern, which is now turning up in its children. Sometimes trying to 'save' money when you want a particular plant is not worth it. If you just want irises you can try for cheaper plants. With the larger growers & hybridizers the plants are priced according to the number available.

Lebanon, OR

do not know about her at all. But to be on the safe side cancel the order. Trusted ones are the iris fan, tnn tiger, joefreebee, and a few others that I PERSONALLY KNOW>


Cathysplants Hi. Here is a link for all iris lovers and buyer, especially buying on Ebay. It discusses in lenght fraudual iris sellers, and honest sellers.


Here is my Starship Enterprise I bought from Schreiner

Edited for spelling

This message was edited Sep 29, 2009 3:01 AM

Thumbnail by
Santa Ynez, CA

all the starship enterprise I have tried to get from one source or another has failed as well, and still no SE, maybe next year.........

South Hamilton, MA

Its sibling, Lightshine, is not as spectacular, but is a much better grower.

Raleigh, NC

yes it is. but like you said, not spectacular looking.

South Hamilton, MA

Not AS spectacular looking, but you want something which will grow for you.

Raleigh, NC

is that the one that doesn't have the substance of Starship? or was that Darcy's Choice? I have those 3 planted side by side since they are all in the same color tones. one doesn't have very good substance, it doesn't last long in our southern heat and humidity. think Come What May is in there, too.

South Hamilton, MA

It is a Starship sibling. I would think that the substance is ok. We don't grow either as we grow mostly medians, but I see them at other gardens. We have to worry about increases this far north.

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