Beautiful Dahlias

Merino, Australia

Here are some of the dahlias from the Portland Botanic Gardens in south west Victoria. The year must have been bad for them there as most of the beds were half empty . Those plants that had grown were nowhere near as tall as usual.
This is a photo of the area they grow in and you can see it's not very full.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

lovely lemon

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Light red

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Loved this one in the sun

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

pretty pink

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

One of my favorites

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

stunning in a large group

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

This one was so bright in the sunlight

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

These look so well together.
I was so disappointed at not being able to get photos of the usual amazing display. I don't know why it was so poor . There was no sign of any work being done on the large Anzac display and I would hope they do have other dahlias for that as it is so beautiful each year. The dislpay is of the RSL badge and other badges plus all the white crosses and decorated areas . They are done in dahlia flowers laid out on the lawn. It has been done annually for a very long time . Maybe next year will be better.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

They are all beautiful Jean.I just love the smell of Dahlias.My tree Dahlia hopefully should be in bloom next month.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thank you Jean for posting those photos.

Dahlias always remind me of the Royal Easter Show here in Sydney. Benches full of them in all shapes and sizes. Yes, and that Dahlia scent can't be missed Judy! :)

They are great plants, and look good mixed with Canna and Brugmansia. Just have to watch out for the snails!!!

This orange one I found in a neglected garden a year or so ago. It was in poor shape back then. I waited until it died down, then dug up a tuber or two. It is now doing just fine. :)

Don't know its name?

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Gosh Wayne, that is a beautiful setting! Lovely pic, oh and a nice dahlia.
Hi Jean, thanks for posting the pics of your garden visit. I thought it looked quite spectacular anyway, having never seen masses of dahlias like that. Did you take any home?

Merino, Australia

No Sue, I didn't bring any home but I have bought a few in other years. They sell the excess bulbs at the end of the year. They have not had a lot for sale over the last 2 years . I think I'll give up on dahlias here. They do well for the first year then seem to give up. . I really don't have a good spot for them anyway. It gets too windy here and they do need lots of room.
Wayne, you dahlia is lovely and also that Angel.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

They look pretty good anyway Jean! What do they grow so many for????

I love them too, but either I don't have the knack or its just not suitable for them here! Tree Dahlias do very well though, but there is almost always a gale in May just when they are starting to open! Grrrr

Merino, Australia

I have a photo take a few years ago of the display made with the dahlias for Anzac day every year. My computer isn't loading photos to DG this morning> I'll see if I can post it later Alistair.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks Sue, raining here so am not out in the garden.

Dahlias are fun and blend in well here. Some time back I purchased a tuber of 'The Bishop of Llandaff'. The good bishop is lovely with his dark foliage and red blooms, more like a Cardinal I think! :) However beware, the good bishiop is very promiscuous!!!!! Lots and lots of little seedlings came up all over the garden bed he shared with 'Barbara Williams' and 'Baby Darls'!!!! :))))))))))

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

The "bed mates", D. 'Barbara Williams' & 'Baby Darls'.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

seems I am not the only one that has tried the dahlias and given up on them ...lovely pictures Jean.Wayne love your garden and the quaint outdoor dunny ...pity we no longer seem to have them ...a great idea for gardeners I think*giggling*remember the pumpkins on the roof many times do we wish we had a loo close instead of far away in side.
your dahlias are too cute too.

Merino, Australia

Sorry Alistair, that photo won't load so you will have to imagine the display of the dahlias.
Wayne i have a 'Bishop' in the cottage gaden. It was a gift and survives because where it is gets water. There are no ladies for him to be naughty with though. Perhaps I should plant a friend for him.. your dahlias look really gorgeous. My mum always had a large lot but it was a better climate where she lived and they had rain .

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Good idea Jean! :)

Some of the seedlings I kept for a while, they were all single blooms. Some had the lovely coloured foliage, one was very dissected. However I lost that one.

The following photo is one of the seedlings that escaped being weeded out.

Apart from snail control and good feeding (blood and bone below and Dynamic Lifter above soil), my only other cultural practice is to lift the tubers when dormant in winter so that they do not rot off.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Sydney, Australia

Glad to see this thread appear. Dahlias are new to me due to them being in the ground at the place we bought.
Have since been given some more so have four different colours now.
Here one of those. Will get further pics next season.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Sydney, Australia

I do have another photo.
Here 'tis

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Merino, Australia

Beautiful Steve. I do like dahlias. They are usually very forgiving of most conditions, but the excess dry here has defeated mine. I may try more in another bed later , as they do make a grand statement.
I may try Portland in Dec. and see if they are selling any this year.
I like those bronze autumn shades.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi Steve, they look great! Is that first one a tall grower? The flower colour reminds me of that drink Tequila Sunrise!

Sydney, Australia

Yes wayne. It is a tall one. I'll look up Tequilla Sunrise and see what I can find.
The other two on the property are under the Bouganvillea so they are suffering and have only thrown the odd flower.
One is purple the other white.
I intend moving them during winter so should have better results next year.
Jean the autumn shades are welcome our garden that has blues, reds, pinks etc.
Shame about the dry. I suppose it will turn around one day and the Dahlias will thrive.

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